Princeton University

Computer Science 302
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Problem Set 6 Answer Key

Fall 2001

Question 1

For this Question, I grabbed a lot of sentences from your homeworks, so many thanks to you.

A lot of students think prepositions are good linking words:

  1. IN

    Some students even proposed to try each preposition word in this list.

    Other students argued that action verbs are better than prepositions because they can express more precise relationship.

    Most students used linking verb "flow":

  3. FLOW

    "move" is another choice:

  4. MOVE

In conclusion, to solve analogy probelm, a linking word is needed. The linking word list can be either statically determined by experience or can be dynamically computed.

Question 2

Use "OR" to improve recall. Use "AND" ot improve precision.