

How did you get into college?   Back in the 20th century, it was much easier to get into college. The Yale admissions application asked that I write about an experience where I had to stand up for something I believed in. Here is the essay I wrote.

So how old are you?   Here's a poem entitled The Presidents that my fifth grade English class wrote. You can estimate my age from this.

I heard you were on CNN. Is that true?   Yes, well sort of. Here's a screen capture of me teaching that appeared on CNN Headline News. It is titled "Teaching at Princeton continues as usual, while small Missouri town ponders incorporating in order to protect itself from hog farm." Thanks to James "Con" Rappold for the digitized image.

I hear your mom is a fiber artist. Where can I find her work?   Here is the homepage for Fern Wayne Designs. My first foray into webmastering, so please no complaints.