//---------------| // modal demo // by: Ge Wang (gewang@cs.princeton.edu) // Perry R. Cook (prc@cs.princeton.edu) //------------------| // our patch ModalBar modey => JCRev r => dac; // set the gain .95 => r.gain; // set the reverb mix .1 => r.mix; // scale [ 0, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11 ] @=> int scale[]; int which; // our main loop while( true ) { // cycle through ( which + 1 ) % 9 => which; which => modey.preset; // frequency... scale[Std.rand2(0,scale.cap()-1)] => int freq; Math.mtof( 33 + (Std.rand2(0,3)*12) + freq ) => modey.freq; // velocity Std.rand2f( 0.4, 0.8 ) => float v; <<< "playing:", which, "freq:", Std.ftom(modey.freq()) $ int, "vel:", v >>>; repeat( 4 ) { // position Std.rand2f( 0.2, 0.8 ) => float p => modey.strikePosition; // strike it! v => modey.strike; // print <<< " strike position:", p >>>; // advance time 250::ms => now; } }