//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Laptop-Based Droner Instrument // // author: dan trueman, 2007 // // to run: %> chuck Droner.sk:[your name] // // controls: // laptop tilt left/right => slight variation in drone fundamental // laptop tilt forward/back => drone volume; flat => nearly silent // spacebar => fadein/out (Droner won't drone until spacebar is hit once) // keys 1TH8 => drone fundamental // cursor => crossfade between four overtone sets, one in each corner of the screen // center => equal mix of all four. // // sounds best with a nice subwoofer! // lots of purty beating patterns with > 1 player. 1 player => kinda boring. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //global control vars float accel_x, accel_y; 0. => float mouseX; 0. => float mouseY; //global gains for each corner float cornerGains[4]; float cornerGainsTargets[4]; //gen 10 oscillators, one/corner Gen10 g[4]; g[0].coefs([1., 0., 0., 0., 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7]); g[1].coefs([1., 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0.]); g[2].coefs([0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7, 0., 0.7]); g[3].coefs([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7]); dac.channels() => int numchans; <<<"number of output channels: ", numchans>>>; //setup a global accelgain for controlling gain //and a master gain for controlling overall fade ins/outs Gain accelgain => Gain drr => Gain maingain; // => dac; 16. => drr.gain; //set default gains, and also vars for gain slew 0.2 => accelgain.gain => float accelgain_target; accelgain_target => float accelgain_current; 0. => maingain.gain => float maingain_target; maingain_target => float maingain_current; //phasor for driving gen10 Phasor p; Std.mtof(36) => float base_freq; base_freq * .05 => float freq_spread; float freq_target, current_freq; base_freq => freq_target => current_freq => p.freq; //MIDI notes from 1TH8 on laptop keyboard int notes[8]; 28 => notes[0]; 29 => notes[1]; 31 => notes[2]; 33 => notes[3]; 35 => notes[4]; 36 => notes[5]; 38 => notes[6]; 40 => notes[7]; //initialize corner gains and phasor=>gen10=>accelgain chuck paths for (0=>int i; i<4; i++) { 0. => cornerGains[i] => cornerGainsTargets[i]; p => g[i] => accelgain; } for (0=>int i; i dac.chan(i); } "whatsyerface" => string name; //read command line args; give name for network identity for (0=>int i; i < me.args(); i++) { me.arg(i) => name; } <<<"hello ", name>>>; //spork some shreds, for reading data and smoothing data spork ~ accelRead(); spork ~ mouseRead(); spork ~ approachTargets(); spork ~ msg_receive(); spork ~ msg_send(); //keeping time, nothing to do but... while (true) { //whistle whistle... 1000::ms => now; } //******functions****** //read laptop accelerometer data function void accelRead() { Hid hi; int accel_result[]; while( true ) { // poll the tilt sensor, expect to get back 3 element array of ints hi.readTiltSensor() @=> accel_result; accel_result[0] / 100.0 => accel_x; accel_result[1] / 100.0 => accel_y; if( accel_x > 1.0 ) 1.0 => accel_x; else if( accel_x < -1.0 ) -1.0 => accel_x; if( accel_y > 1.0 ) 1.0 => accel_y; else if( accel_y < -1.0 ) 1.0 => accel_y; accel_x * 0.5 + 0.5 => accel_x; Math.fabs(accel_y) => accel_y; // <<>>; base_freq + accel_x * freq_spread => freq_target; accel_y => accelgain_target; ///<<>>; 50::ms => now; } } //read trackpad data function void mouseRead() { Hid hi; HidMsg msg; if( !hi.openMouse( 1 ) ) me.exit(); <<< "mouse '", hi.name(), "' ready" >>>; Hid.startCursorTrack(); while( true ) { hi => now; // messages received if( hi.recv( msg ) ) { if (msg.isMouseMotion() ) { msg.scaledCursorX => mouseX; msg.scaledCursorY => mouseY; //<<>>; mouseX * 2. - 1. => mouseX; //scale to [-1, 1] mouseY * 2. - 1. => mouseY; //<<>>; calcCornerGains(); } } } } //calculate gains for each corner, depending on cursor position fun void calcCornerGains() { //mouseX, mouseY [-1, -1] => UL, [1, 1] => LR distance(mouseX, mouseY, -1, -1) => float UL; distance(mouseX, mouseY, 1, -1) => float UR; distance(mouseX, mouseY, 1, 1) => float LR; distance(mouseX, mouseY, -1, 1) => float LL; calcGain(UL) => cornerGainsTargets[0]; calcGain(UR) => cornerGainsTargets[1]; calcGain(LR) => cornerGainsTargets[2]; calcGain(LL) => cornerGainsTargets[3]; //<<< "target gains: ", UL_gain_target, UR_gain_target, LR_gain_target, LL_gain_target >>>; } //smooth changes in gains and freqs fun void approachTargets() { 0.001 => float gainslew; 0.004 => float freqslew; while (true) { for (0=>int j; j<4; j++) { cornerGains[j] + (cornerGainsTargets[j] - cornerGains[j]) * gainslew => cornerGains[j]; cornerGains[j] => g[j].gain; } current_freq + (freq_target - current_freq) * freqslew => current_freq; current_freq => p.freq; accelgain_current + (accelgain_target - accelgain_current) * gainslew => accelgain_current; Math.pow(accelgain_current, 2.) * 0.5 => accelgain.gain; maingain_current + (maingain_target - maingain_current) * gainslew => maingain_current; Math.pow(maingain_current, 2.) * 0.5 => maingain.gain; //<<>>; 2::ms => now; } } //calculate gains given distance from corner function float calcGain(float ingain) { if ( ingain > 2.) 2. => ingain; (2. - ingain) * 0.5 => float temp; return temp; } //simple distance func fun float distance( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ) { return Math.sqrt( (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1) ); } // monitors what fundamentals (1-8) other players on the network have active fun void msg_receive() { // create our OSC receiver OscRecv recv; // use port 6449 6449 => recv.port; // start listening (launch thread) recv.listen(); // create an address in the receiver, store in new variable recv.event( "/plork/drone/note, i s" ) @=> OscEvent oe; // infinite event loop while ( true ) { // wait for event to arrive oe => now; // grab the next message from the queue. while( oe.nextMsg() != 0 ) { // get x and y oe.getInt() => int note; oe.getString() => string who; <<>>; } } } //multicasts info about which fundamental (keys 1-8) is currently active //also resets this player's fundamental fun void msg_send() { // send object OscSend xmit; // aim the transmitter at our local port 6449 //xmit.setHost( "localhost", 6449 ); //better timing reliablity //but need all host's names xmit.setHost( "", 6449 ); //multicast; slow, but simple // the device number to open 0 => int deviceNum; // instantiate a Hid object Hid hi; // structure to hold HID messages HidMsg msg; // open keyboard if( !hi.openKeyboard( deviceNum ) ) me.exit(); // successful! print name of device <<< "keyboard '", hi.name(), "' ready" >>>; int keys[256]; for(0=>int i; i<256; i++) -1 => keys[i]; 1 => keys[30]; 2 => keys[31]; 3 => keys[32]; 4 => keys[33]; 5 => keys[34]; 6 => keys[35]; 7 => keys[36]; 8 => keys[37]; <<<"initial pitch <= [6]">>>; while(true) { hi => now; // get one or more messages while( hi.recv( msg ) ) { // check for action type if( msg.isButtonDown() ) { // print //<<< "down:", msg.which >>>; xmit.startMsg( "/plork/drone/note", "i s"); if(msg.which < 38 && msg.which > 29) { keys[msg.which] => xmit.addInt; name => xmit.addString; Std.mtof(notes[keys[msg.which]-1]) => base_freq; //set base pitch } if(msg.which == 44) { //spacebar if (maingain_target == 1.) { <<<"fading out...">>>; 0. => maingain_target; } else { <<<"fading in...">>>; 1. => maingain_target; } } //off it goes! } } } }