Chant as you are
      as a priest
      as god wants you to be    
      as a monk
      as a monk
      inner peace you will see   
      as a man
      of the cloth
      God's the boss you will be
      singing notes
      Bible quotes
      checking motes in your eyes, 
      with heavenly ties,
      live with guys,
      get real wise.

Chant morn and night,
      in your robes you will kneel 
      on the floor
      knees get sore
      be real poor
      but you'll sing  
      no harmony
      just melody

All this energy and I don't have a wife
                 no I   "    "   "  "
                yes I   "    "   "  "


Vow of poverty  and I don't have a wife
                 no I   "    "   "  "
                 no I can't  "   "  "
                yes I   "    "   "  "
                Pope won't let me have wife
