June 1, 2005

Jennifer Widner (Woodrow Wilson School and Politics)

Sheile Arora ('05)

June 7, 2005

Atul Kohli (Woodrow Wilson School and Politics)

Helen Milner (Woodrow Wilson School and Politics)

June 9, 2005

Bob Kaster (Classics)

Kim Schepelle (University Center for Human Values and Woodrow Wilson School)

June Eige (Dean of Faculty), Danielle Eige (family)

June 10, 2005

Ed Gwazda ('70)

June 12, 2005

Bob Cava (Chemistry), David MacMillan (Chemistry job candidate)

Lynn White (Woodrow Wilson School and Politics), Paul Sigmund (Politics)

*** Tamsen Shaw (Politics)

June 14, 2005

Martin Kern (East Asian Studies), Keiko Ono (East Asian Studies)

June 15, 2005

John Borneman (Anthropology)

Gyan Prakash (History)

June 16, 2005

Nathan Myhrvold (*83)

David Botstein (LSIIG and Molecular Biology)

Jody Friedman (Development and '73)

June 17, 2005

Bayley Dixon ('07)

June 28, 2005

Ralph Lerner (Architecture)
