/* * types.h - * * All types and functions declared in this header file begin with "Ty_" * Linked list types end with "..list" */ typedef struct Ty_ty_ *Ty_ty; typedef struct Ty_tyList_ *Ty_tyList; typedef struct Ty_field_ *Ty_field; typedef struct Ty_fieldList_ *Ty_fieldList; struct Ty_ty_ {enum {Ty_record, Ty_nil, Ty_int, Ty_string, Ty_array, Ty_name, Ty_void} kind; union {Ty_fieldList record; Ty_ty array; struct {S_symbol sym; Ty_ty ty;} name; } u; }; struct Ty_tyList_ {Ty_ty head; Ty_tyList tail;}; struct Ty_field_ {S_symbol name; Ty_ty ty;}; struct Ty_fieldList_ {Ty_field head; Ty_fieldList tail;}; Ty_ty Ty_Nil(void); Ty_ty Ty_Int(void); Ty_ty Ty_String(void); Ty_ty Ty_Void(void); Ty_ty Ty_Record(Ty_fieldList fields); Ty_ty Ty_Array(Ty_ty ty); Ty_ty Ty_Name(S_symbol sym, Ty_ty ty); Ty_tyList Ty_TyList(Ty_ty head, Ty_tyList tail); Ty_field Ty_Field(S_symbol name, Ty_ty ty); Ty_fieldList Ty_FieldList(Ty_field head, Ty_fieldList tail); void Ty_print(Ty_ty t); void TyList_print(Ty_tyList list);