/* * errormsg.c - functions used in all phases of the compiler to give * error messages about the Tiger program. * */ #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "errormsg.h" bool anyErrors= FALSE; static string fileName = ""; static int lineNum = 1; int EM_tokPos=0; extern FILE *yyin; typedef struct intList {int i; struct intList *rest;} *IntList; static IntList intList(int i, IntList rest) {IntList l= checked_malloc(sizeof *l); l->i=i; l->rest=rest; return l; } static IntList linePos=NULL; void EM_newline(void) {lineNum++; linePos = intList(EM_tokPos, linePos); } void EM_error(int pos, char *message,...) {va_list ap; IntList lines = linePos; int num=lineNum; anyErrors=TRUE; while (lines && lines->i >= pos) {lines=lines->rest; num--;} if (fileName) fprintf(stderr,"%s:",fileName); if (lines) fprintf(stderr,"%d.%d: ", num, pos-lines->i); va_start(ap,message); vfprintf(stderr, message, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } void EM_reset(string fname) { anyErrors=FALSE; fileName=fname; lineNum=1; linePos=intList(0,NULL); yyin = fopen(fname,"r"); if (!yyin) {EM_error(0,"cannot open"); exit(1);} }