typedef union { int pos; int ival; string sval; } YYSTYPE; extern YYSTYPE yylval; # define ID 257 # define STRING 258 # define INT 259 # define COMMA 260 # define COLON 261 # define SEMICOLON 262 # define LPAREN 263 # define RPAREN 264 # define LBRACK 265 # define RBRACK 266 # define LBRACE 267 # define RBRACE 268 # define DOT 269 # define PLUS 270 # define MINUS 271 # define TIMES 272 # define DIVIDE 273 # define EQ 274 # define NEQ 275 # define LT 276 # define LE 277 # define GT 278 # define GE 279 # define AND 280 # define OR 281 # define ASSIGN 282 # define ARRAY 283 # define IF 284 # define THEN 285 # define ELSE 286 # define WHILE 287 # define FOR 288 # define TO 289 # define DO 290 # define LET 291 # define IN 292 # define END 293 # define OF 294 # define BREAK 295 # define NIL 296 # define FUNCTION 297 # define VAR 298 # define TYPE 299