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Statistical Analysis of Anatomical Shape and Function

Date and Time
Monday, April 21, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Polina Golland, from MIT AI Lab
Thomas Funkhouser
We present a computational framework for image-based statistical analysis of anatomical image data in different populations. Applications of such analysis include understanding developmental and anatomical aspects of disorders when comparing patients vs. normal controls, studying morphological changes caused by aging, or even differences in normal anatomy, for example, differences between genders. Once a quantitative description of anatomy is extracted from input images, the problem of identifying differences between the two groups can be reduced to one of the classical questions in machine learning, namely constructing a classifier function for assigning new examples to one of the two groups while making as few mistakes as possible. In the traditional classification setting, the resulting classifier is rarely analyzed in terms of the properties of the input data that are captured by the discriminative model. In contrast, interpretation of the statistical model in the original input domain is an important component of image-based analysis. We introduce a novel approach to such interpretation that yields detailed descriptions of the detected differences in anatomically meaningful terms of organ development and deformation. Estimating statistical significance of the detected differences between the two groups of images is a challenging problem due to high dimensionality of data and a relatively small number of training examples. We demonstrate a non-parametric technique, based on permutation testing, for estimation of statistical significance in the context of discriminative analysis. This approach provides a weaker statistical guarantee than the classical convergence bounds, but is nevertheless useful in applications of machine learning that involve a large number of highly correlated features and a limited number of training examples. Example domains that give rise to such problems include view-based object recognition, text classification, gene expression analysis. We demonstrate the proposed analysis framework on several examples of studies of changes in the brain anatomy due to healthy aging and disorders, as well as of brain activation in response to visual stimuli.

Computer Science and Game Theory: Mutual Influences and Synergies

Date and Time
Monday, April 14, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Kevin Leyton-Brown, from Stanford University
Kenneth Steiglitz
The last few years have seen a surge of interest in problems at the intersection between computer science and game theoretic economics. Sometimes, practical use of game theoretic mechanisms or solution concepts requires the application of ideas from computer science; in other cases problems in computer systems can be best addressed by the introduction of game theoretic incentives. Finally, the influence between the disciplines can be more symmetric, requiring a synthesized view of both computational limitations and the self-interested behavior of agents. This talk will describe one example of each of these three cases:
  • modeling the empirical computational hardness of selecting the winners of a combinatorial auction, analyzing these models, and applying them to construct algorithm portfolios and to generate hard problem instances
  • using incentives to diffuse temporally-focused usage of network resources at the lowest possible cost
  • local-effect games, a novel class of multi-player general-sum games for which representation is compact, pure-strategy Nash equilibria often exist, and equilibria can often be computed efficiently

Genes,Tumors, and Bayes nets: Improving the specificity of biological signal detection in microarray analysis.

Date and Time
Wednesday, April 9, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Olga Troyanskaya, from Stanford
Mona Singh
Microarray analysis allows for large-scale exploration of gene expression by taking a snap shot of the cell at a specific point in time. Such data sets may provide insight into fundamental biological questions as well as address clinical issues such as diagnosis and therapy selection. The resulting data are complex and challenging to analyze without sophisticated computational tools. This seminar will highlight the issue of improving the specificity of biological signal detection from microarray data. I will present robust and accurate algorithms for missing value estimation for microarray data and for identification of differentially expressed genes from gene expression data sets. This talk will also address gene function prediction and present a Bayesian framework for integrated analysis of gene expression data with data sets from other high- throughput biological data sources.

Multiagent Learning in the Presence of Limited Agents

Date and Time
Monday, March 31, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Michael Bowling, from Carnegie Mellon University
Robert Schapire
Learning to act in a multiagent environment is a challenging problem. Optimal behavior for one agent depends upon the behavior of the other agents, which may be learning as well. Multiagent environments are therefore non-stationary, violating the traditional assumption underlying single-agent learning. In addition, agents in complex tasks may have limitations, such as unintended physical constraints or designer-imposed approximations of the task that make learning tractable. Limitations prevent agents from acting optimally, which complicates the already challenging problem. A learning agent must effectively compensate for its own limitations while exploiting the limitations of the other agents. My thesis research focuses on these two challenges. The novel contributions of my thesis include (1) the WoLF (Win or Learn Fast) variable learning rate as a new principle that enables convergence to optimal responses in multiagent learning; (2) an analysis of the existence of Nash equilibria when agents have limitations; and (3) GraWoLF as a scalable multiagent learning algorithm.

In this talk I focus on the contributions of the WoLF principle and the GraWoLF algorithm. I show that the WoLF variable learning rate causes learning to converge to optimal responses in settings of simultaneous learning. I demonstrate this converging effect both theoretically in a subclass of single-state games and empirically in a variety of multiple-state domains. I then describe GraWoLF, a combination of policy gradient techniques and the WoLF principle. I show compelling results of applying this algorithm to a card game with an intractably large state space as well as an adversarial robot task. These results demonstrate that WoLF-based algorithms can effectively learn in the presence of other learning agents, and do so even in complex tasks with limited agents.

Efficiency in Online and Noise-Tolerant Learning

Date and Time
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Adam Kalai, from MIT
Amit Sahai
Exponential weighting techniques have had a big impact on learning, in theory and practice. First, they provide a general theoretical approach for online (adaptive) learning, where one must adapt to an unknown future. Unfortunately, these weighting techniques are inefficient and impractical for large problems. We present a single approach that is simple, efficient and near-optimal for a wide range of online problems. Next, we discuss the problem of boosting, where one tries to improve the accuracy of any learning procedure. Here exponential weighting techniques have been consistently the most popular method and are an excellent example of a theoretical idea having a big impact in practice. The widely-recognized downside is that these boosting algorithms perform poorly with noisy data. We show that lesser-known boosting techniques, namely those based on decision graphs, are noise tolerant and can be made to have the same optimal efficiency rates.

Multiagent Planning with Factored MDPs

Date and Time
Wednesday, March 12, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Carlos Guestrin, from Stanford University
Robert Schapire
Many real-world tasks require multiple agents to coordinate in order to achieve a common goal. Examples include multi-robot systems, network routing and supply chain management. Unfortunately, these large-scale problems are often quite complex, involving many states and multiple decision makers. Factored Markov decision processes (MDPs) allow us to represent a complex transition model compactly using a dynamic Bayesian network. This representation often allows an exponential reduction in the representation size, but the complexity of exact solution algorithms for such MDPs grows exponentially in the number of variables describing the state of the system and in the number of agents.

This talk presents a framework for approximate planning that can exploit structure in a factored MDP to solve problems with many trillions of states and actions. The talk will focus on three key elements:

  • Factored Linear Programs -- A novel LP decomposition technique, using ideas from inference in Bayesian networks, which can yield exponential reductions in planning time.
  • Distributed Coordination -- A distributed multiagent decision making algorithm, where the coordination structure arises naturally from the system dynamics.
  • Generalization in Relational MDPs -- A method for learning general solutions from solved tasks, that allows us to act in new scenarios without replanning.

We demonstrate our approach on the task of multiagent coordination in a real strategic computer war game.

Neptune: Programming and Runtime Support for Cluster-based Network Services

Date and Time
Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Tao Yang, from UCSB/Teoma
Vivek Pai
This talk presents the Neptune project that addresses the system and programming-level issues in building high performance and reliable runtime support for online services and data-intensive applications. Online applications differ from their offline counterpart in the performance sensitivity to highly concurrent workload and the availability requirement. Programming such applications is challenging in achieving high performance, reliability, and efficient resource management.

Neptune is a middleware system that allows services to be aggregated and deployed quickly on a cluster of workstations and SMPs. It shields application programmers from the complexities of replication, service discovery, failure detection and recovery, and resource management. The techniques investigated are architecture and programming support for thread/process based concurrency, quality-aware service differentiation, parallel data aggregation, and replica consistency management with staleness control.

This talk will also discuss the use of Neptune in Internet search at Ask Jeeves and Teoma.

Tao Yang is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of California at Santa Barbara. He has also been the Chief Scientist for Teoma and Ask Jeeves since 2000 for directing research and development of Internet search engines. His research interests are parallel and distributed systems, high performance scientific computing, and Internet search.

Art, Math, and Sculpture

Date and Time
Monday, March 3, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Carlo H. Séquin, from UC Berkeley
Thomas Funkhouser
The roles of computers, multi-media, virtual environments, and rapid prototyping in the design of abstract geometrical sculptures are explored. The techniques described in this paper are the outgrowth of a six-year collaboration between Brent Collins, a wood sculptor, and Carlo Séquin, a computer scientist. They are particularly applicable to abstract geometrical sculptures, where precisely defined and highly optimized shapes follow a clear underlying logic. The use of these techniques has resulted in several sculpture families, represented by virtual displays, many small physical maquettes, by a few larger wood and bronce sculptures, and recently a 12-foot snow sculpture. KEYWORDS: sculpture design, procedural modeling, rapid prototyping.

An Empirical Approach to Computer Vision

Date and Time
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
David Martin, from University of California - Berkeley
Douglas Clark
I will present an approach to computer vision research motivated by the 19th C. constructivist theory of Hermann von Helmholtz as well as the 20th C. ecological theories of James Gibson and Egon Brunswik. The thesis is that our perception can be modeled in a probabilistic framework based on the statistics of natural stimuli, or "ecological statistcs".

Toward the goal of modeling perceptual grouping, we have constructed a novel dataset of 12,000 segmentations of 1,000 natural images by 30 human subjects. The subjects marked the locations of objects in the images, providing ground truth data for learning grouping cues and benchmarking grouping algorithms. We feel that the data-driven approach is critical for two reasons: (1) the data reflects ecological statistics that the human visual system has evolved to exploit, and (2) innovations in computational vision should be evaluated quantitatively.

I will first present local boundary models based on brightness, color, and texture cues, where the cues are individually optimized with respect to the dataset and then combined in a statistically optimal manner with classifiers. The resulting detector is shown to significantly outperform prior state-of-the-art algorithms. Next, we learn from the dataset how to combine the boundary model with patch-based features in a pixel affinity model to settle long-standing debates in computer vision with empirical results: (1) brightness boundaries are more informative than patches, and vice a versa for color; (2) texture boundaries and patches are the two most powerful cues; (3) proximity is not a useful cue for grouping, it is simply a result of the process; and (4) both boundary-based and region-based approaches provide significant independent information for grouping.

Within this domain of image segmentation, this work demonstrates that from a single dataset encoding human perception on a high-level task, we can construct benchmarks for the various levels of processing required for the high-level task. This is analogous to the micro-benchmarks and application-level benchmarks employed in computer architecture and computer systems research to drive progress towards end-to-end performance improvement. I propose this as a viable model for stimulating progress in computer vision for tasks such as segmentation, tracking, and object recognition, using human ground truth data as the end-to-end goal.

Computer Vision and Control for Soccer Robots - The FU Fighters Team

Date and Time
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
Raul Rojas, from University of Pennsylvania and Freie Universitaet Berlin
Brian Kernighan
We have built two teams of soccer playing robots at the Free University of Berlin that have taken part in several RoboCup tournaments, the yearly robotic soccer world championship. In the small-size league, five autonomous robots play against other five using the image provide by a video camera hanging from the ceiling. In the mid-size league, four robots play against four using their own video camera and carrying a laptop. In this league the field measures 10 by 5 meters. In this talk, I will explain the computer vision techniques we have developed for dealing with varying lightning conditions in an extremely dynamic environment. Image segmentation and classification must be done in real time, at 30 or more frames per second. I will also explain the hierarchical control architecture we developed. Control is done using physical and virtual sensors that activate reactive behaviors with different temporal characteristics. The behaviors activate real or virtual actuators that determine the robots movements. The small robots are extremely fast and controlling them in the appropriate way is a challenging problem. Recently we have been studying how to make the robots learn from their own experience on the field. We started by letting the mid-size robots calibrate their cameras and color segmentation tables automatically, without human intervention. In the case of the small robots we are investigating the use of reinforcement learning techniques for letting them optimize their movements and reactions. The FU Fighters have won three times second place at the RoboCup tournament (1999, 2000, and 2002), and have won the European Championship twice (2000, and 2002). I will show video footage of the last RoboCup competitition. For more information visit www.fu-fighters.de
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