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Hierarchical Modularity and Intermodule Optimization (Thesis)

Report ID:
October 1997
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Separate compilation is an important tool for coping with design
complexity in large software projects. When done right it can also be
used to create software libraries, thus promoting code reuse. But
separate compilation comes in various flavors and has many facets:
namespace management, linking, optimization, dependencies.

Many programming languages identify modular units with units of
compilation, while only a few extend this to permit hierarchies of
language-level modules within individual compilation units. When the
number of compilation units is large, then it becomes increasingly
important that the mechanism of separate compilation itself can be
used to control namespaces.

The group model implemented in SML/NJ's compilation manager CM
provides the necessary facilities to avoid unwanted interferences
between unrelated parts of large programs. Compilation units are
arranged into groups, and explicit export interfaces can be used to
control namespaces. When there are many groups, they can be organized
into super-groups, and so on, thus forming a hierarchical modular
structure. CM provides automatic dependency analysis, but automatic
dependency analysis is NP-hard for general SML code. We show two
simple restrictions that avoid intractability.

To remove the penalties for efficiency usually incurred by
modularization and separate compilation, I designed an algorithm for
automatic inline expansion across compilation unit boundaries that
works in the presence of higher-order functions and free variables; it
rearranges bindings and scopes as necessary to move non-expansive code
from one module to another. I describe---and implement---the
algorithm as transformations on $lambda$-calculus. The inliner is
efficient, robust, and practical enough for everyday use in the SML/NJ
compiler. It preserves separate compilation and has been integrated
with CM.

I briefly investigate macro systems as an alternative
approach---driven by programmer directives---to achieve cross-module
inlining and discuss a variety of problems that arise. I show a
solution to the problem of integrating macro systems with ML-style
modules that use long identifiers and show an implementation technique
for reliable name resolution during linking. But I also discover
that other problems continue to impede large-scale programming.

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