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Scope Consistency: a Bridge between Release Consistency and Entry Consistency

Report ID:
December 1995
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This paper proposes a new consistency model for software shared
virtual memory, called Scope Consistency (ScC), which offers
most of the potential performance advantages of the EC model but
requires a programming interface as simple as that of RC or LRC. It does
this by exploiting the implicit dynamic binding between data and
synchronization events variables. In
our simulation studies, we compared ScC with Automatic Update Release
Consistency (AURC), a modified LRC model that takes advantage of new
network interfaces. For two of the four real applications we used, ScC
reduced the running time by about 11%.

This technical report has been published as
Scope Consistency: a Bridge between Release Consistency and Entry
Liviu Iftode, Jaswinder Pal Singh and Kai Li, Proc. of the 8th
Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and
, June 1996, pp. 277-308.
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