Computer Science 598d
Course Project Progress Resports

Written Proposals (due April 23):

Each student should submit a two- to four-page written project progress report.  The progress report can be an expanded version of your project proposal, retaining the descriptions of the goals and challenges of your project.  You should include detailed descriptions of the approach you've chosen, the features you've implemented, and any initial results you've generated.  Please do not be vague in your written descriptions.  Following is a brief outline you might follow ...

Class Presentations (during class on April 23):

In addition, each student will give a short talk during class on April 23 (with overhead transparencies, slides, videos, and/or other props) to report on the progress made so far in his/her course project.  As with the project proposal talks, EACH TALK WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE MINUTES.  Please give a short introduction, reminding us of your project goals and challenges (30 seconds), and then give some details what you have done so far (4 minutes), and summarize what you plan to accomplish before the end of the semester (30 seconds).  You probably want to use between three and five slides.  For instance, ...
  1. Problem description (30 seconds - 1 minute)
  2. Methodology (2 minutes)
  3. Summary (30 seconds)
As with the project proposals, each audience member will be given big bucks to invest in the course projects.  So, be sure to convince us that you are attacking an important problem and you are making real progress.
Good luck!