Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 448
Innovating Across Technology, Business, & Markets

Jaswinder Singh

Spring 2013

General Information | Schedule | Writeups | Papers | Policies

Writeup #5 - Submit

Your startup received three (hypothetical) funding offers. One from an angel investor and two from VCs. When negotiating these offers list the three most important things that you care about in the deal and explain why. Also, list the three most important "red flags" that can kill a deal for you. Do you prefer angel investors over VCs? Explain why. Briefly explain your current company structure (how many founders/employees and in what roles), the current equity table, and employee stock options.

For this writeup, refer to class readings as much as possible. You can reference readings in the format [Dixon-Aug'2010] to save space i.e., last name of the author following by the month+year.