Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 448
Innovating Across Technology, Business, & Markets

Jaswinder Singh

Spring 2013

General Information | Schedule | Writeups | Papers | Policies

Writeup #2 - Submit

Assume that your startup is now one year old. An engineering team is already in place, which you currently manage, including a senior architect. The company has a chief scientist as well. The company is hiring for some positions like VP of Sales, VP of Engineering, and a Financial Controller. Write a memo to your CEO discussing with her what your role, as CTO, should and shouldn't be, what functions/people should and shouldn't report to you and why, and on what areas you should primarily focus. If someone should take over certain responsibilities from you, explain who should take over what responsibility and why. Apply lessons from Smith'2004 and Berray'2002 readings as well as from lecture on this situation and clearly reference the lessons you are applying.