COS 426:
Computer Graphics
Spring 2013

General | Syllabus | Assignments | Final Project

General Information

Description: This course will study topics in computer graphics, covering methods in image processing, modeling, rendering, and animation.
Prerequisites: The course is appropriate for students who have taken COS217 and COS226 (or the equivalent). C++ will be used as the programming language.
Coursework: The grade will be based on programming assignments (50%), two exams (30%), and a final project (20%).
Textbook: Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 4th Ed., Hearn, Baker, and Carithers. Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN: 978-0136053583.
Instructors: Professor Adam Finkelstein with TAs: Mark Browning and Fisher Yu.
Time/place: Lecture: Tue & Thu 1:30-2:50, CS 105
Precepts: Wed 3:30-4:30 (Friend 108) or Wed 7:30-8:30 (CS 102).
Office Hours: Mon 1:30-2:30 (FY, CS 418A), Wed 2:30-3:30 (MB, CS 004), Thu 10:00-11:00 (AF, CS 424)
Questions: We will use Piazza to handle Q&A this semester. Please post your questions there instead of mailing the staff, if possible.