Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 448
Innovating Across Technology, Business, & Markets

Jaswinder Singh

Spring 2011

General Information | Schedule | Writeups | Presentations | Papers | Policies

The writeups and oral presentations account for 25% of the grade. This page gives information about the presentations.

Oral Presentations

While writeups are related more to the term papers and revolve around your "company", oral presentations deal with the required readings as well. For oral presentations, we will post topics mainly related to the required reading of the previous week. Students should prepare 2-3 slides (no cover slide) and either bring the slides on a USB or make them available online (no laptops). The presentation should be no more than 5 minutes. One or two students will be randomly selected for a presentation at the end of class. Presentations can be in both lectures (Mondays and Wednesdays) and sometimes we'll skip the presentation to cover more material.

Grading of Presentations:

Presentations will be graded on the following metrics:

Presentation Topics:

Presentation topics will be posted here every week:

Topic          Week
Presentations are generally based on discussing your hypothetical "company" in the context of required readings of the last week          Week 2 - 4

The "Above the Clouds" paper (week 4) talks about a few obstacles to the growth of Cloud Computing. Take three obstacles from there, namely a) Availability of a Service, b) Performance Unpredictability, and c) Scaling Quickly and discuss if Eventual Consistency (second reading) can help in all, some, or none of these for your company          Week 5

What exactly is the problem/pain that the "Semantic Approach" paper (week 5) is trying to address? List two things that you found most interesting in the paper (or argue why there is nothing interesting about their problem space and/or proposed solution)          Week 6

What are the three most important trends in the online advertising industry from 1994 to 2004, as outlined in the "DoubleClick whitepaper" (week 6)? If you were to write a similar paper today, will you include a) all, b) some (which ones), or c) none of these trends in a 2011 whitepaper? If you could add one important, recent trend (post 2004) to this list, what would that be?          Week 7

No presentations (Midterm Paper & Invited Talk)          Week 8

Assume the cloud storage startup for media files. What do you think are the two most important design principles for your cloud storage architecture, out of the ones mentioned in "Server-Side Design Principles" paper (week 8) and why? Name one scalability challenge that you think is important, but cannot really be addressed by the design principles listed on the paper.          Week 9

Same topic as last week (see above) because of invited lectures.          Week 10

No presentations (we'll have a live demo/tutorial instead)          Lecture of Mon 04/18

As CTO of a cloud media storage startup you need to decide between using Hadoop and DBMS. Part of your value-addition to enterprise clients (like NY Times) is the analytics you provide on their media content. Will you use Hadoop (MapReduce reading from week 10) or DBMS (Parallel DBMS reading from week 11)? Which argument(s) presented in either paper convinced you?          Last Two Lectures