/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* testalarmtimeout.c */ /* The alarm system call to implement a timeout. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void mySignalHandler(int iSignal) /* This function is intended to be a handler for signals of type SIGALRM. Print a timeout message to stdout, and exit. */ { printf("\nSorry. You took too long.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Illustrate using an alarm to cause a timeout. */ { int i; void (*pfRet)(int); sigset_t sSigSet; int iRet; /* Make sure that SIGALRM is not blocked. */ sigemptyset(&sSigSet); sigaddset(&sSigSet, SIGALRM); iRet = sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sSigSet, NULL); assert(iRet == 0); pfRet = signal(SIGALRM, mySignalHandler); assert(pfRet != SIG_ERR); printf("Enter a number: "); alarm(5); scanf("%d", &i); alarm(0); printf("You entered the number %d.\n", i); return 0; } /* Sample execution: $ gcc217 testalarmtimeout.c -o testalarmtimeout $ testalarmtimeout Enter a number: 123 You entered the number 123. $ testalarmtimeout Enter a number: Sorry. You took too long. */