notes on CVS Tue Mar 15 15:19:27 EST 2005 Oddly, cvs is on the OIT Linux machines (hats) but not on the Solaris machines (arizona). In my experience, proper CVS usage is balanced on a pinhead. The official manual and tutorial were plain wrong when I last tried to use them; if you follow their instructions, you can easily get infinite recursively nested directories, or infinitely long filenames, or blow away your precious original files. Much painful experimentation has led to this sequence that worked for me. If you follow these steps with your own filenames, maybe it will work for you too. Or maybe not. Use at your own risk and be sure to make backup copies *before* you start to play. 1. One time only, you have to set up a CVS repository, which is a directory containing all the projects that you maintain with CVS. setenv CVSROOT /u/bwk/CVS for csh/tcsh (place in .cshrc) export CVSROOT=/u/bwk/CVS for ksh/bash (place in .bashrc or .kshrc) mkdir /u/bwk/CVS cvs init This creates a directory /u/bwk/CVS/CVSROOT and puts a bunch of stuff in it. Note that CVSROOT here is a literal, bearing a strong resemblance to the shell variable, but it's not the same thing. The name CVS is arbitrary. If you are starting from nothing (no files already created), then it's easy from here: cvs checkout awk then proceed to step 5. 2. *BACK UP YOUR ORIGINALS* If you're starting from an existing set of files (my situation), this seemed to be the easiest way to preserve the full structure before giving it to CVS: cd awk tar cf ../awk.tar . # makes a tar file of everything, preserving times # all names are local, e.g., run.c, not awk/run.c # this is your precious backup in case something goes wrong 3. Now import your source into CVS: cd mv awk old.awk # preserve the precious directory just in case cd old.awk cvs import -m 'the one true awk' awk bwk bwk-2005-03-15 # -m 'descriptive message' module vendor-tag release-tag 4. Then do a checkout from the repository to create and populate the working directory: cd cvs checkout awk # creates awk, extracts from repository into it 5. At this point, you can start editing files, making new ones, etc. When you've made a bunch of changes, you have to "commit" your changes to cause them to affect the repository and become visible to others: cd awk ... edit files, etc. ... cvs add any_new_files schedule addition for subsequent commit cvw remove any_files_to_delete schedule removal for subsequent commit cvs commit to add, remove, modify repository version invokes $EDITOR so you can add log information 6. Someone else working on this project can check out the files from the repository into a (different) working directory: cvs checkout awk # assumes same machine, different part # of the file system 7. Before you start working again, if others are working on the same files, you should update your copies: cvs update If there is a conflict between your changes and someone else's, CVS will tell you about it, and you get to resolve it manually. If there are no conflicts, commit and update proceed without complaining. 8. At any time, you can look at diffs between your version and the respository with cvs diff [files] You can check status with cvs status [files] which produces a compact display of the relevant bits or read the log information collected with each commit via cvs log [files] 9. CVS doesn't lock files, but if you're done working on stuff for a while, it's apparently wise to do cvs release to announce your intention to be done with stuff. Files are not deleted (I think). 10. Further documentation can be found at, which has a tutorial. There is an online CVS book by Karl Fogel and Moshe Bar at Arnold Robbins (who gave me invaluable advice on CVS for this writeup) is working on an update to Unix in a Nutshell, which will contain chapters on CVS and Subversion.