COS 226 Programming Assignment #8

Program Report

Your program report should answer the following questions.  This should be submitted electronically using whiteboard along with the rest of your program in a file called either report.txt (if in plain ascii text) or report.pdf (if in pdf).  Please do not submit using any other formats.

  1. Explain your overall approach.
  2. Thoroughly test your programs on the input files provided or input files of your own creation.  Indicate which ones you used for testing, and also indicate where your answers agreed or disagreed with our reference solutions in terms of which teams are eliminated.
  3. Given a sports league with N teams, what is the worst case running time of your algorithm as a function of N?  Assume that your max flow solver runs in time O(E2 V) time on a network with V vertices and E edges.
  4. Any known bugs / limitations?
  5. List whatever help (if any) that you received.
  6. Describe any serious problems you encountered.
  7. Any other comments or feedback?