COS 226 Programming Assignment Checklist: Shellsorting a Linked List

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a doubly linked list?  No, only one link per node is allowed.

Can I store the input in reverse order?  Yes, but your output should still be the same as if it were stored in sorted order.

Can I use recursion to print out my linked list in reverse order?  Sure. Since you only perform the printing for very small values of N, this will not affect the asymptotic running time or space usage.

Can I swap keys with code like temp = x->key; x->key = y->key; y->key = temp;   No. This is what is meant by "rearranging keys." You are only permitted to rearrange links.

Can I allocate an array of size h for scratch space?  You will lose some points for using excessive space.

What counts as a comparison?  The number of times you compare one key to another key. Don't count comparisons like i < N in loop control.

What exactly is one pass of bubble h-sort?  One pass in the array implementation looks like:

for (i = N - 1; i >= h; i--)
    if (a[i] < a[i-h]) {
        temp = a[i];
        a[i] = a[i-h];
        a[i-h] = temp;

How fast should my algorithm be?  Using Knuth's increment sequence, the worst case running time is proportional to N^(3/2). (See Sedgewick, Property 6.9.) So, if you're running time is quadratic (even on degenerate inputs), you are doing something wrong and should try to figure out what is slowing down your code. Note that the N^(3/2) bound is for the worst case: you should expect your program to run faster in practice.

How do I measure the running time of my program in seconds from Unix or OS X?  Use the command:

/usr/bin/time a.out < input1000000.txt
and look out the output for user time. Note that you should use the full path name; otherwise your shell might use its own built-in time command. Also, /usr/bin/time may not work if you use piping.

How do I measure the running time of my program in seconds from Windows?  The easiest solution is to use a stopwatch. A more complicated approach involves adding in some C code as in timing.c. Srivas Prasad '03 suggests chaing the command prompt to display the time using "prompt $t", creating a batch file with "cls" and "linksort.exe < input.txt > output.txt". The clear screen command clears the screen and displays the starting time in the prompt; upon termination the prompt shows the ending time.

Input, Output, and Testing

Input.   Your program should read in a sequence of integers separated by whitespace from standard input. It should not matter whether the integers are separated by a single space, multiple spaces, or newlines. Here are some sample input files. You may also use generator.c to generate random test instances. This program uses the Mersenne twister pseudo-random number generator.

Output.   Your program should produce nicely formatted output as described in the assignment. Our output is generated using

printf("%8d %5d %9d %9d", h, pass, cmp, exch);

Reference solutions.   As a special bonus this week, we provide our source code for the array implementation of shellsort. You can use this to check your output, and also to glean some information about our implementation.


Besides providing details about your implementation which are not clear from the comments within your source code, your readme.txt file should also contain:

  • The two dimensional table, as described in the assignment.

  • Comment briefly on the performance of your linked list implementation versus the array implementation provided. What is the overhead for using linked lists?
  • Possible Progress Steps

    These are purely suggestions for how you might make progress. You do not have to follow these steps.

  • Download the directory linksort to your system. It contains a number of sample input files.

  • Consider implementing shellsort using an array (very similar to Program 6.5 except that you will use bubblesort instead of insertion sort as your h-sorting routine). This will ensure that you understand all of the algorithmic issues before plunging ahead with linked lists.

  • Write code to read the input, build a singly linked list, and print it out.

  • Write a function, say swap(), that exchanges the position of two nodes in a linked list. (Does it work for all cases?)

  • Implement bubble sort on a linked list.

  • Implement a function, say bubblehsort(), that h-sorts a linked list using a variant of bubble sort. Does your code handle the case h = 1? If your first implementation uses too much space or time, how can you improve it?

  • Implement a function, say shellsort() that runs bubble h-sort for the Knuth sequence of increments.

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    Last modified: February 17, 2002