Lab 2
Part 7

Finishing up and shutting down

Submitting your work

This week, we would like you to submit the list of links you compiled during the Treasure Hunt. Copy and Paste the list into a message to and remember that it should list URL's, not answers. The subject of the message should be "Lab 2 - Your Name" where "Your Name" is replaced by your name. As usual, be sure to include any comments, questions or extra credit.

If you need help remembering how to send email, follow this link. If you are using Netscape Mail, do not forget to set your identity under "Edit | Preferences".

Transferring saved work

If there are any files which you downloaded or created which you wish to save for next week, then transfer them to your Unix account using Netscape's FTP as in Lab 1 (Put them in the directory you created entitled "COS111")

You may also wish to send yourself a copy of your Treasure Hunt links, or the other interesting links you compiled during the first half of the lab. You can do this easily by sending yourself the same message that you sent to

Deleting files on the Desktop

Every week when you leave the lab, you should take a moment to delete any files you have saved onto the Desktop. This helps keep the computers from becoming cluttered, and also ensures that students in labs which meet after yours will not have access to your answers.

To delete a file, click on its icon with the mouse and then press Delete.

Logging off of Windows NT

If you've completed the lab, sent your email to and transferred your work to your Unix account, then you are finished and free to go. Don't forget to log out in one of the following ways.

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