COS 217, Spring 1996. Java Animation

COS 217. Introduction to Programming Systems. Spring 1996.

Java Animation

The goal of this assignment is to write an animation using Java. It is up to you to decide what to animate. You will receive 6 points for a simple working animation, 8 points for reasonably complex animation, and 10 points for a complex applet. Reasonably complex roughly means more than 50 lines of Java code. Complex roughly means more than 75 lines of code.

The file /u/cs217/8/ contains the skeleton for a simple Java applet. This code handles all the necessary Java thread management. Your job is to write the init and paint methods along with any auxiliary methods needed by your animation. init is called once when the applet starts up. paint is called when the applet starts up and then again every 100 milliseconds (the repainting rate is determined by the parameter to Thread.sleep in the run method).

The Java compiler and assorted tools are available in /opt/java/bin on Yuma. To compile your java applet:

To test your applet, copy the file CS217.html to your directory and run
	appletviewer CS217.html
You may surf the net to looking for ideas for cool animations, but you may not use Java code written by anyone else in your animation.


Submit your program electronically with the command:
/u/cs217/bin/submit 8 
Due: submitted by 11:59pm, Tues. 5/14.

Copyright (c) 1996 by Anne Rogers
Thu May 2 10:44:13 EDT 1996