 * Name:
 * Login:
 * Precept:
 * Description:
 * - simulates a person (not in the Terminator/Blade Runner sense)
 * - demonstrates defining static/non-static fields and methods
 * - demonstrates calling these methods with two different syntaxes
 * Dependencies: StdOut.java

public class Person {

    // static variable: number of people
    private static int population = 0;

    // static variables are shared by all instances of a class
    // note: static (non-constant) variables are considered bad style
    // for this course, but it is illustrative for this example
    private int age;     // instance variable: age of this person
    private String name; // instance variable: name of this person 

    // constructor
    public Person(int a, String n) { 
        age = a;      // copy constructor arg to instance var
        name = n;     // copy constructor arg to instance var
        population++; // increase static counter

    // static method (cannot access instance variables)
    public static void printPop() { 
        StdOut.println("The population is " + population);

    // instance method
    public void printName() { 
        StdOut.println("My name is " + name + ".");

    // instance method: return name and age
    public String toString() { 
        return "Name: " + name + " Age: " + age; 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // calling a static method using class-dot
        // what is the output?
        // how many instances does this construct?
        Person myMom = new Person(33, "Donna");
        Person myAunt = new Person(44, "Judy");
        Person myChauffeur = myMom;

        // calling an instance method using instance-dot
        // what is the output?

        // calling an instance method implicitly
        // what is the output?
        // calling a static method without class name
        // (uses Person, the containing class, by default)
        // what is the output?