#!/usr/bin/env python #$Rev: 1300 $ #$LastChangedDate: 2007-02-28 13:46:16 -0800 (Wed, 28 Feb 2007) $ import os import subprocess import random import sys import signal import socket import telnetlib import time import threading import urlparse from time import sleep # Ensure booleans exist (not needed for Python 2.2.1 or higher) try: True except NameError: False = 0 True = not False class ThreadPool: """Flexible thread pool class. Creates a pool of threads, then accepts tasks that will be dispatched to the next available thread.""" def __init__(self, numThreads): """Initialize the thread pool with numThreads workers.""" self.__threads = [] self.__resizeLock = threading.Condition(threading.Lock()) self.__taskLock = threading.Condition(threading.Lock()) self.__tasks = [] self.__processed = 0; self.__isJoining = False self.setThreadCount(numThreads) def setThreadCount(self, newNumThreads): """ External method to set the current pool size. Acquires the resizing lock, then calls the internal version to do real work.""" # Can't change the thread count if we're shutting down the pool! if self.__isJoining: return False; self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: self.__setThreadCountNolock(newNumThreads) finally: self.__resizeLock.release() return True; def __setThreadCountNolock(self, newNumThreads): """Set the current pool size, spawning or terminating threads if necessary. Internal use only; assumes the resizing lock is held.""" # If we need to grow the pool, do so while newNumThreads > len(self.__threads): newThread = ThreadPoolThread(self) self.__threads.append(newThread) newThread.start() # If we need to shrink the pool, do so while newNumThreads < len(self.__threads): self.__threads[0].goAway() del self.__threads[0] def getThreadCount(self): """Return the number of threads in the pool.""" self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: return len(self.__threads) finally: self.__resizeLock.release() def queueTask(self, task, args=None, taskCallback=None): """Insert a task into the queue. task must be callable; args and taskCallback can be None.""" if self.__isJoining == True: return False if not callable(task): return False self.__taskLock.acquire() try: self.__tasks.append((task, args, taskCallback)) return True finally: self.__taskLock.release() def getNextTask(self): """ Retrieve the next task from the task queue. For use only by ThreadPoolThread objects contained in the pool.""" self.__taskLock.acquire() try: if self.__tasks == []: return (None, None, None) else: self.__processed = self.__processed + 1; task = self.__tasks.pop(0); return task; finally: self.__taskLock.release() def joinAll(self, waitForTasks = True, waitForThreads = True): """ Clear the task queue and terminate all pooled threads, optionally allowing the tasks and threads to finish.""" # Mark the pool as joining to prevent any more task queueing self.__isJoining = True # Wait for tasks to finish if waitForTasks: while self.__tasks != []: sleep (0.1) # Tell all the threads to quit self.__resizeLock.acquire() try: # Wait until all threads have exited if waitForThreads: for t in self.__threads: t.goAway() for t in self.__threads: t.join() del t self.__setThreadCountNolock(0) self.__isJoining = True # Reset the pool for potential reuse self.__isJoining = False finally: self.__resizeLock.release() class ThreadPoolThread (threading.Thread): """ Pooled thread class. """ threadSleepTime = 0.1; def __init__(self, pool): """ Initialize the thread and remember the pool. """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.__pool = pool self.__isDying = False def run(self): """ Until told to quit, retrieve the next task and execute it, calling the callback if any. """ while self.__isDying == False: cmd, args, callback = self.__pool.getNextTask() # If there's nothing to do, just sleep a bit if cmd is None: sleep (ThreadPoolThread.threadSleepTime) elif callback is None: cmd(args) else: callback(cmd(args)) def goAway(self): """ Exit the run loop next time through.""" self.__isDying = True # pub_urls - The list of URLs to compare between the proxy # and a direct connection. # # You can create additional automated tests for your proxy by # adding URLs to this array. This will have no effect on your # grade, but may be helpful in testing and debugging your proxy. # # When you are testing against real web servers on the Internet, # you may see minor differences between the proxy-fetched page and # the regular page- possibly due to load balancing or dynamically # generated content. If there is only a single line that doesn't # match between the two, it is likely a product of this sort of # variation. # # Note that since this test script compares transaction output from # the proxy and the direct connection, using invalid URLs may # produce unexpected results, including the abnormal termination # of the testing script. # pub_urls = ['http://www.mit.edu/', 'http://www.scs.stanford.edu/',]; pub_conc = ['http://www.mit.edu/',]; pub_ab = ['http://www.mit.edu/',]; ab_conc = ['-n 20 -c 1', '-n 200 -c 10', '-n 1000 -c 50']; # timeout_secs - Individual tests will be killed if they do not # complete within this span of time. timeout_secs = 45.0 concurrency_tries = [2, 10]; def main(): global pub_urls types = ["-t"]; try: proxy_bin = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: usage() sys.exit(2) try: ttype = sys.argv[2] if ttype == "-t": types = ["-t"]; elif ttype != "-t": usage (); sys.exit(2); except IndexError: usage (); sys.exit(2); try: port = sys.argv[3] except IndexError: port = str(random.randint(1025, 49151)) for type in types: print 'Binary: %s %s' % (proxy_bin, type); print 'Running on port %s' % port; # Start the proxy running in the background cid = os.spawnl (os.P_NOWAIT, proxy_bin, proxy_bin, type, port); # Give the proxy time to start up and start listening on the port time.sleep(2) totalcount = 0; passcount = 0 for url in pub_urls: totalcount += 1; print '### Testing: ' + url passed = run_test (compare_url, (url, port), cid) if not live_process (cid): print '!!!Proxy process experienced abnormal termination during test- restarting proxy!' (cid, port) = restart_proxy (proxy_bin, type, port, cid) passed = False if passed: print '%s: [PASSED]\n' % url passcount += 1 else: print '%s: [FAILED]\n' % url for count in concurrency_tries: for url in pub_conc: totalcount += 1; print '### Testing %d concurrent connects to %s' % (count, url) passed = run_test (concurrent_connect, (count, port, url), cid) if not live_process (cid): print '!!!Proxy process experienced abnormal termination during test- restarting proxy!' (cid, port) = restart_proxy (proxy_bin, type, port, cid) passed = False if passed: print 'Connect to %s, %d concurrently: [PASSED]\n' % (url, count) passcount += 1 else: print 'Connect to %s, %d concurrently: [FAILED]\n' % (url, count) for count in concurrency_tries: for url in pub_conc: totalcount += 1; print '### Testing %d concurrent fetches to %s' % (count, url) passed = run_test (concurrent_fetch, (count, port, url), cid) if not live_process (cid): print '!!!Proxy process experienced abnormal termination during test- restarting proxy!' (cid, port) = restart_proxy (proxy_bin, type, port, cid) passed = False if passed: print 'Fetch to %s, %d concurrently: [PASSED]\n' % (url, count) passcount += 1 else: print 'Fetch to %s, %d concurrently: [FAILED]\n' % (url, count) for count in concurrency_tries: for url in pub_conc: totalcount += 1; print '### Testing %d concurrent split fetches' % count passed = run_test (concurrent_fetch_broken, (count, port, url), cid) if not live_process (cid): print '!!!Proxy process experienced abnormal termination during test- restarting proxy!' (cid, port) = restart_proxy (proxy_bin, type, port, cid) passed = False if passed: print 'Fetch to %s, %d concurrently: [PASSED]\n' % (url, count) passcount += 1 else: print 'Fetch to %s, %d concurrently: [FAILED]\n' % (url, count) for arg in ab_conc: for url in pub_ab: totalcount += 1; print '### Testing apache benchmark on args [%s]' % arg cmdstr = "ab -X %s %s" % (port, arg, url); success = False; (sin, sout) = os.popen4 (cmdstr); line = sout.readline () while line != "" and line != None: print " ",line.strip (); if line.find ("Failed requests: 0") >= 0: success = True; line = sout.readline (); if success: print '%s with args %s: [PASSED]\n' % (url, arg) passcount += 1; else: print '%s with args %s: [FAILED]\n' % (url, arg) (cid, port) = restart_proxy (proxy_bin, type, port, cid) # Cleanup terminate (cid) stype = "unknown"; if type == "-p": stype = "multi-process"; elif type == "-t": stype = "multi-threaded"; elif type == "-s": stype = "select"; elif type == "-a": stype = "async"; print 'Summary: ' print '\tType %s: %d of %d tests passed.' % (stype, passcount, totalcount); terminate (cid); port = str (random.randint (1025, 49151)); def usage(): print "Usage: proxy_tester.py path/to/proxy/binary -t [port]" print " (-t multi-threaded)" print " Omit the port argument for a randomly generated port." def run_test(test, args, childid): ''' Run a single test function, monitoring its execution with a timer thread. * test: A function to execute. Should take a tuple as its sole argument and return True for a passed test, and False otherwise. * args: Tuple that contains arguments to the test function * childid: Process ID of the running proxy The amount of time that the monitor waits before killing the proxy process can be set by changing timeout_secs at the top of this file. Returns True for a passed test, False otherwise. ''' monitor = threading.Timer(timeout_secs, do_timeout, [childid]) monitor.start() if not test(args): passed = False else: passed = True monitor.cancel() return passed def concurrent_connect(argtuple): global _connected; count, port, url = argtuple; pool = ThreadPool (count); for cnt in range(count): pool.queueTask (do_connect, ('localhost', port)); pool.joinAll (); result = compare_url ((url, port)); for item in _connected: if item[1] == True: item[0].close (); else: result = False; _connected = []; return result; def concurrent_fetch (argtuple): global _connected; global _success; _success = 0; count, port, url = argtuple; pool = ThreadPool (count); for cnt in range(count): pool.queueTask (do_http_send, ('localhost', port, url)); pool.joinAll (); result = compare_url ((url, port)); pool = ThreadPool (count); for item in _connected: if item[1] == True: pool.queueTask (do_http_read, (item[0], item[2])); pool.joinAll (); _connected = []; return _success == count and result; def concurrent_fetch_broken (argtuple): global _connected; global _success; _success = 0; count, port, url = argtuple; pool = ThreadPool (count); for cnt in range(count): pool.queueTask (do_http_send_partial, ('localhost', port, url)); pool.joinAll (); result = compare_url ((url, port)); connected = _connected; pool = ThreadPool (count); for item in connected: if item[1] == True: pool.queueTask (do_http_send_finish, item[0]); pool.joinAll (); pool = ThreadPool (count); for item in _connected: if item[1] == True: pool.queueTask (do_http_read, (item[0], item[2])); pool.joinAll (); _connected = []; return _success == count and result; def compare_url(argtuple): ''' Compare proxy output to the output from a direct server transaction. A simple sample test: download a web page via the proxy, and then fetch the same page directly from the server. Compare the two pages for any differences, ignoring the Date header field if it is set. Argument tuples is in the form (url, port), where url is the URL to open, and port is the port the proxy is running on. ''' (url, port) = argtuple urldata = urlparse.urlparse(url) try: (host, hostport) = urldata[1].split(':') except ValueError: host = urldata[1] hostport = 80 # Retrieve via proxy try: proxy_data = get_data('localhost', port, url) except socket.error: print '!!!! Socket error while attempting to talk to proxy!' return False # Retrieve directly direct_data = get_direct(host, hostport, urldata[2]) passed = True for (proxy, direct) in zip(proxy_data, direct_data): if proxy != direct and not (proxy.startswith('Date') and direct.startswith('Date')) \ and not (proxy.startswith('Expires') and direct.startswith('Expires')) \ and not (proxy.startswith('Cache-Control') and direct.startswith('Cache-Control')): print 'compare_url failed on %s' % url print 'Proxy: %s' % proxy print 'Direct: %s' % direct passed = False break; return passed def get_direct(host, port, url): '''Retrieve a URL using direct HTTP/1.0 GET.''' getstring = 'GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n' data = http_exchange(host, port, getstring % (url, host)) return data.split('\n') def get_data(host, port, url): '''Retrieve a URL using proxy HTTP/1.0 GET.''' getstring = 'GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n' data = http_exchange(host, port, getstring % url) return data.split('\n') _connected = []; _success = 0; def do_connect (argtuple): global _connected; host, port = argtuple; try: conn = telnetlib.Telnet() conn.open(host, port) _connected.append ((conn, True)); except socket.error: print '!!! do_connect: Socket error while attempting to talk to proxy: %s port %s' % (host, port); _connected.append ((conn, False)); def do_http_send (argtuple): global _connected; host, port, url = argtuple; try: data = 'GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n' % url; conn = telnetlib.Telnet() conn.open(host, port) conn.write(data) _connected.append ((conn, True, url)); except socket.error: print '!!!! do_http_send: Socket error while attempting to talk to proxy: %s port %s' % (host, port); _connected.append ((conn, False, url)); def do_http_read (argtuple): global _success; conn, url = argtuple; try: proxy_data = conn.read_all().split ('\n'); conn.close (); urldata = urlparse.urlparse (url) try: (host, hostport) = urldata[1].split(':') except ValueError: host = urldata[1]; hostport = 80 # Retrieve directly direct_data = get_direct (host, hostport, urldata[2]) passed = True for (proxy, direct) in zip(proxy_data, direct_data): if proxy != direct and not (proxy.startswith('Date') and direct.startswith('Date')) \ and not (proxy.startswith('Expires') and direct.startswith('Expires')) \ and not (proxy.startswith('Cache-Control') and direct.startswith('Cache-Control')): print 'do_http_read failed on %s' % url print 'Proxy: %s' % proxy print 'Direct: %s' % direct passed = False break; if passed: _success += 1; except socket.error: print '!!!! do_http_read: Socket error while attempting to talk to proxy'; def do_http_send_partial (argtuple): global _connected; host, port, url = argtuple; try: data = 'GET %s ' % url; conn = telnetlib.Telnet() conn.open(host, port) conn.write(data) _connected.append ((conn, True, url)); except socket.error: print '!!!! do_http_send_partial: Socket error while attempting to talk to proxy: %s port %s' % (host, port); _connected.append ((conn, False, url)); def do_http_send_finish (conn): try: data = 'HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n'; conn.write(data) except socket.error: print '!!!! do_http_send_finish: Socket error while attempting to talk to proxy'; def http_exchange(host, port, data): conn = telnetlib.Telnet() conn.open(host, port) conn.write(data) ret_data = conn.read_all() conn.close() return ret_data def live_process(pid): '''Check that a process is still running.''' try: os.kill(pid, 0) return True except OSError: return False def do_timeout(id): '''Callback function run by the monitor threads to kill a long-running operation.''' print '!!!! Proxy transaction timed out after %d seconds' % timeout_secs terminate(id) def terminate(id): '''Stops and cleans up a running child process.''' if live_process (id) == True: os.kill(id, signal.SIGINT) time.sleep (3) os.kill(id, signal.SIGKILL) try: os.waitpid(id, 0) except OSError: pass def restart_proxy(binary, type, oldport, oldcid): '''Restart the proxy on a new port number.''' terminate (oldcid); newport = str (int(oldport) + 1) cid = os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, binary, binary, type, newport); time.sleep(3) return (cid, newport) if __name__ == '__main__': main()