Auction Game : 
Players in the Game  = 15
Auction Type         = First Price Sealed Bid with reserved price 0.5
Signal  Type         = Uniform Independent Private Values [0,1]
Each Bidder plays 14 matches. 

Auction Match : 
Bidders    per Match = 2
Iterations per Match = 10000000

 Matrix Display: 
 Profit of ROW while playing against COLUMN. 
 Max Points per Match: 100.0 

              ken     yintaos    jytang     ssahi    vwtan     Hilan     daikray   ahesterb  cgibbs    varao    potechin   jenlin    NoName    EKelly    cthunman     
 ken           -       4.1686    6.5802    4.1645    6.0558    8.0086    6.0633    6.8189    8.3313    8.1485    6.8176    7.5276    8.3324    5.6889    5.3786 
 yintaos     -2.4956      -      -2.3904   -1.2490   -2.3939   -2.5044   -2.3910   -2.4268   -2.4977   -2.4968   -2.4236   -2.4988   -2.5038   -1.9433   -1.8408 
 jytang      6.0649    4.0516      -       3.9101    5.7308    7.1879    5.7274    6.4254    7.0306    7.4659    6.4251    6.2496    7.0287    5.3511    5.0722 
 ssahi      -13.8698  -13.8676  -13.8526      -     -13.8547  -13.8654  -13.8651  -13.8698  -13.8648  -13.8638  -13.8622  -13.8666  -13.8651  -13.8629  -13.7179 
 vwtan       5.7012    3.2700    5.3401    3.1279      -       6.1839    5.2094    5.5578    6.2507    6.2074    5.5544    6.0816    6.2497    4.6328    4.3873 
 Hilan       4.8610    3.5014    5.2527    3.5006    4.2320      -       4.2294    5.1556    6.9995    6.6295    5.1554    5.3330    6.9990    4.2956    4.0714 
 daikray     5.6959    3.2698    5.3386    3.1265    5.2044    6.1840      -       5.5555    6.2483    6.2125    5.5520    6.0824    6.2471    4.6288    4.3866 
 ahesterb    5.8967    3.5709    5.6994    3.4674    5.3190    6.7091    5.3214      -       6.9484    6.8179    5.8628    6.3504    6.9440    4.8904    4.6282 
 cgibbs      6.2618    6.2510    7.8155    6.2518    6.2467   10.0026    6.2517    8.3345      -      11.1160    8.3306    6.2568    9.3710    6.9428    6.5832 
 varao       3.0199    2.1956    3.2831    2.1886    2.6354    3.9439    2.6367    3.2171    4.3817      -       3.2136    3.2878    4.3849    2.6747    2.5342 
 potechin    5.8946    3.5715    5.7013    3.4701    5.3313    6.7076    5.3264    5.8622    6.9458    6.8138      -       6.3525    6.9477    4.8858    4.6341 
 jenlin      7.3101    4.9932    7.4963    4.9994    6.3355    9.3351    6.3332    7.5606    9.9949    9.6297    7.5593      -      10.0069    6.2999    5.9640 
 NoName      6.2554    6.2475    7.8167    6.2542    6.2513    9.9982    6.2507    8.3343    9.3805   11.1109    8.3302    6.2516      -       6.9421    6.5734 
 EKelly      3.1636    2.2434    3.1119    1.7271    3.0078    3.3932    3.0082    3.1553    3.4565    3.4230    3.1564    3.2925    3.4575      -       2.6165 
 cthunman    1.6779    1.2624    1.6517    0.9238    1.6043    1.7769    1.6051    1.6727    1.8068    1.7911    1.6728    1.7334    1.8071    1.4945      -    

Total Profits of each Bidder: 
Total Points    % of Max Possible Points ( 1400.00)
-------------   ---------------------------------
cgibbs      :    106.02                       7.57%
 NoName     :    106.00                       7.57%
 jenlin     :    103.82                       7.42%
 ken        :     92.08                       6.58%
 jytang     :     83.72                       5.98%
 potechin   :     78.44                       5.60%
 ahesterb   :     78.43                       5.60%
 vwtan      :     73.75                       5.27%
 daikray    :     73.73                       5.27%
 Hilan      :     70.22                       5.02%
 varao      :     43.60                       3.11%
 EKelly     :     42.21                       3.02%
 cthunman   :     22.48                       1.61%
 yintaos    :    -32.06                      -2.29%
 ssahi      :   -193.95                     -13.85%

 Matrix Display: 
 Status of ROW while playing against COLUMN. 

               ken     yintaos   jytang     ssahi     vwtan     Hilan     daikray  ahesterb  cgibbs     varao    potechin   jenlin    NoName   EKelly   cthunman     
 ken            -         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W   
 yintaos        L         -         L         W         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L   
 jytang         L         W         -         W         W         W         W         W         L         W         W         L         L         W         W   
 ssahi          L         L         L         -         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L   
 vwtan          L         W         L         W         -         W         W         W         W         W         W         L         L         W         W   
 Hilan          L         W         L         W         L         -         L         L         L         W         L         L         L         W         W   
 daikray        L         W         L         W         L         W         -         W         L         W         W         L         L         W         W   
 ahesterb       L         W         L         W         L         W         L         -         L         W         W         L         L         W         W   
 cgibbs         L         W         W         W         L         W         W         W         -         W         W         L         L         W         W   
 varao          L         W         L         W         L         L         L         L         L         -         L         L         L         L         W   
 potechin       L         W         L         W         L         W         L         L         L         W         -         L         L         W         W   
 jenlin         L         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         -         W         W         W   
 NoName         L         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         W         L         -         W         W   
 EKelly         L         W         L         W         L         L         L         L         L         W         L         L         L         -         W   
 cthunman       L         W         L         W         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         L         -   

Wins of each Bidder: 
Total Wins       Winning Percentage (of   14 games)
-------------   ---------------------------------
 ken          :        14                       100.00%
 jenlin       :        13                        92.86%
 NoName       :        12                        85.71%
 jytang       :        10                        71.43%
 vwtan        :        10                        71.43%
 cgibbs       :        10                        71.43%
 daikray      :         8                        57.14%
 ahesterb     :         7                        50.00%
 potechin     :         6                        42.86%
 Hilan        :         5                        35.71%
 EKelly       :         4                        28.57%
 varao        :         3                        21.43%
 cthunman     :         2                        14.29%
 yintaos      :         1                         7.14%
 ssahi        :         0                         0.00%