COS 126 Errata, Spring 2005

Below are all the known errors in the lecture notes and other course materials. We highlight the printed version mistake in pink, and the corrected replacement in green. Please email Kevin if you discover any more. At the end of the semester, we will award extra credit, based on the severity of the errors reported. Thanks for your help.

Lecture Notes, 5.21
Printed: figure shows pivot in row 3 and column 2
Fixed: pivot in row 2 and column 2
Reported by Doug Clark, 15-Feb-05.

Lecture Notes, 6.14 and 6.15
Printed: s sqrt(T)
Fixed: σ sqrt(T)
Reported by Doug Clark, 17-Feb-05.

Lecture Notes, 8.15
Printed: 9C02 means store the contents of register A
Fixed: 9C02 means store the contents of register C
Reported by Daniel Chang, 20-Mar-05.

Lecture Notes, 9.17
Printed: A = store indirect, B = load indirect
Fixed: A = load indirect, B = store indirect
Reported by Donna Gabai, 1-Mar-05.

Lecture Notes, 16.11
Fixed: indent while loop and add extra left curly brace
Reported by Chen Zhang, 5-Apr-05.

Lecture Notes, 16.18
Printed: public static int hash
Fixed: private int hash
Reported by Doug Clark, 31-Mar-05.

Lecture Notes, 17.9
Printed: F: EBG
Fixed: F: EBGI
Reported by Laura Watt, 5-Apr-05.

Lecture Notes, 18.2
Printed: 10000
Fixed: 100000
Reported by Doug Clark, 6-Apr-06.

Lecture Notes, 18.9, 18.14
Printed: \\.
Fixed: \.
Reported by Doug Clark, 6-Apr-06.

Triangle Packet
Inconsistent page and section numbering.
Reported by Kevin Wayne, 14-Sep-04.

Triangle Packet, page 41
Printed: W = 35.74 + 0.6125 T + (0.475 T - 35.75)V0.16
Fixed: W = 35.74 + 0.6215 T + (0.4275 T - 35.75)V0.16
Reported by Donna Gabai, 14-Sep-04.

Triangle Packet, p. 41
Printed: Use Math.asin
Fixed: Use Math.atan2 and no need to assume x is not zero
Reported by Kevin Wayne, 18-Sep-04.

Triangle Packet, p. 52
Printed: for (i = 0, N = 1
Fixed: for (int i = 0, N = 1
Reported by Leslie Hsu, 18-Sep-04.

Triangle Packet, p. 68
Printed: (x = y) is also a conditional expression
Fixed: (x = y) is an arithmetic expression if x and y are integers
Reported by Kevin Wayne, 18-Sep-04.

Triangle Packet, p. 68
Printed: (x = y) always returns true
Fixed: (x = y) evaluates to y
Reported by Benedict Brown, 01-Feb-05.

Triangle Packet, p. 69
Printed: dsyfunctional
Fixed: dysfunctional
Reported by Kevin Wayne, 18-Sep-04.