setenv PATH /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:. setenv HOME /tmp echo echo *** SIMPLE COMMANDS date cd mkdir 217test cd 217test ls -l rm 217test.1 rm 217test.2 rm 217test.3 /bin/date echo echo *** REDIRECT ls > 217test.1 cat < 217test.1 cat < 217test.1 > 217test.2 diff 217test.1 217test.2 echo echo *** PIPES date | wc date | wc | cat | grep 1 diff 217test.1 217test.2 | wc echo echo *** REDIRECT + PIPES cat < 217test.1 | grep 217test.1 cat < 217test.1 | grep 217test.1 > 217test.3 grep 217 217test.3 echo echo *** ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES printenv setenv FOO bar printenv echo echo *** BUILTINS WITH PIPES printenv | grep HOME echo echo *** BAD SYNTAX AND STRANGE CASES notfound date > 217test.4 | wc