Crop and shrink using xv and izoom

First do the crop:

Then the shrink:

% izoom square.rgb me.rgb 0.667 0.667 -m
Note: do NOT use xv to resize your image.

Also note that the 0.667 0.667 above are there because in our example the square we selected was 300x300.

If you couldn't find the izoom program, either you're not running on a Silicon Graphics or you don't have /usr/sbin in your path.

Next, convert the result to a GIF image. Initially this web page told you to use togif for this, but this gives bad results. Instead, run xv again:

% xv me.rgb

Right-click in the image, choose "Save", change the format to GIF and make sure that "Colors:" (right below "Format:") says "Full Color", then click Ok.

CS426, CS Department, Princeton University
Last modified: Fri Sep 18 20:01:22 EDT 1998