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Class AcmeNet.Assn4.NameService


public class NameService
extends SecureService
A Service that provides a mapping from names (Strings) to ServiceAddresses. A NameService plays a role analogous to a directory in the Unix file system.

This class implements dummy versions of the hasBindPermission, hasListPermission, and hasLookupPermission methods. These dummy versions always return true, implying that everybody is allowed to do everything. Subclasses may choose to override the permission-related methods to implement a different security policy.

See Also:
SecureService, Naming

Variable Index

 o Location
The location of the root name service.

Constructor Index

 o NameService()
Create a NameService at the default NetAddress, at the default serviceNumber, under the "cs461" user-ID.
 o NameService(ClientServerNI, int, String, long)
Create a NameService at in a specified network interface, at a specified serviceNumber.
 o NameService(ClientServerNI, String, long)
Create a NameService at in a specified network interface, at the default serviceNumber.

Method Index

 o ()
Set Location to the default location of the root name service (, port 9090, service number 144).
 o hasBindPermission(String, String)
Check whether the client has permission to bind (or unbind) a name.
 o hasListPermission(String)
Check whether the client has permission to do a List operation.
 o hasLookupPermission(String)
Check whether the client has permission to do a Lookup operation.
 o main(String[])
Running this causes a NameService to be created and started at the default location.
 o readServiceAddress(DataInputStream)
Read a ServiceAddress from a DataInputStream, and return the ServiceAddress that was read.
 o serviceConnection(Connection)
Receive one request on the connection, service that request, and then close the connection.
 o writeServiceAddress(DataOutputStream, ServiceAddress)
Write a ServiceAddress TO a DataOutputStream.


 o Location
 public static ServiceAddress Location
The location of the root name service. The root name service defines the root of the hierarchical name space.


 o NameService
 NameService(ClientServerNI ni,
             int serviceNum,
             String identity,
             long key) throws AlreadyBoundException
Create a NameService at in a specified network interface, at a specified serviceNumber.

ni - the network interface the new service should use
serviceNum - the serviceNumber the new service should use
identity - the user-ID under which the new service should run
key - the secret key of the user-ID under which the new service should run
Throws: AlreadyBoundException
there was already a service at that service number
 o NameService
 public NameService(ClientServerNI ni,
                    String identity,
                    long key) throws AlreadyBoundException
Create a NameService at in a specified network interface, at the default serviceNumber.

ni - the network interface the new service should use
identity - the user-ID under which the new service should run
key - the secret key of the user-ID under which the new service should run
Throws: AlreadyBoundException
there was already a service at that service number
 o NameService
 public NameService() throws AlreadyBoundException, AddressUnavailableException
Create a NameService at the default NetAddress, at the default serviceNumber, under the "cs461" user-ID.

Note: students will be unable to provide a working implementation of this, since they don't know the secret key for the "cs461" user. Students should just provide a dummy implementation that compiles correctly; it won't be tested.

Throws: AlreadyBoundException
there was already a service at that service number
Throws: AddressUnavailableException
the default NetAddress is on another machine, or the default port number was already in use


 o main
 public static void main(String unused[]) throws AlreadyBoundException, AddressUnavailableException
Running this causes a NameService to be created and started at the default location.

 o serviceConnection
 public void serviceConnection(Connection rawConn)
Receive one request on the connection, service that request, and then close the connection.

rawConn - the connection to the client (can safely be cast to SecureConnection)
serviceConnection in class Service
 o hasBindPermission
 protected boolean hasBindPermission(String identity,
                                     String name)
Check whether the client has permission to bind (or unbind) a name.

This method should return true; subclasses can change this policy by overriding this method.

identity - the user-ID of the requesting client
name - the name that the client wants to bind or unbind
true if the client has permission to bind or unbind the requested name; false otherwise
 o hasListPermission
 protected boolean hasListPermission(String identity)
Check whether the client has permission to do a List operation.

This method should return true; subclasses can change this policy by overriding this method.

identity - the user-ID of the requesting client
true if the client has permission to do the List operation; false otherwise
 o hasLookupPermission
 protected boolean hasLookupPermission(String identity)
Check whether the client has permission to do a Lookup operation.

This method should return true; subclasses can change this policy by overriding this method.

identity - the user-ID of the requesting client
true if the client has permission to do the Lookup operation; false otherwise
 o readServiceAddress
 static ServiceAddress readServiceAddress(DataInputStream in) throws IOException
Read a ServiceAddress from a DataInputStream, and return the ServiceAddress that was read.

in - the stream to read from
the ServiceAddress read from the stream
Throws: IOException
some I/O error occurred
 o writeServiceAddress
 static void writeServiceAddress(DataOutputStream out,
                                 ServiceAddress sa) throws IOException
Write a ServiceAddress TO a DataOutputStream.

out - the stream to write to
sa - the ServiceAddress to write
Throws: IOException
some I/O error occurred
 static void ()
Set Location to the default location of the root name service (, port 9090, service number 144).

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