GLxwin options

The GLxwin widget supports a large number of options which correspond exactly to the glXChooseVisual() call. You should consult that man page for any questions you may have about these arguments.

Note that even though the widget will allow you to configure these options to different values, they will have no effect on the OpenGL window after it's been created.

-width #			window width
-height #			window height
-bufferSize #			bit depth in colormap mode
-bufferLevel #			0 == normal, 1 == overlay, etc.
-rgba true/false		use a TrueColor visual instead of a colormap
-doubleBuffer true/false	use double buffering
-stereo true/false		use stereo
-auxBuffers #			number of auxiliary buffers
-redSize #			number of red bitplanes
-greenSize #			number of green bitplanes
-blueSize #			number of blue bitplanes
-alphaSize #			number of alpha bitplanes
-depthSize #			number of Z-buffer bitplanes
-stencilSize #			number of stencil-buffer bitplanes
-accumRedSize #			number of red accumulation-buffer bitplanes
-accumGreenSize #		number of green accumulation-buffer bitplanes
-accumBlueSize #		number of blue accumulation-buffer bitplanes
-accumAlphaSize #		number of alpha accumulation-buffer bitplanes
If you happen to be using a Silicon Graphics machine which supports their proprietary extensions, then you can also specify:

-sampleBuffers #		number of sample buffers for multisampling
-numSamples #			number of samples taken per pixel
The numbers you specify have some strange properties. By default, most are zero. This means that you get the smallest number available, which is often greater than zero. In the case of RGB bitplanes, this is hardly ever what you actually want. So, the values for redSize, greenSize, and blueSize default to one. This means "find the biggest available value that's greater than or equal to one". So, if you're not sure about how many bits deep your Z-buffer is, but you want the largest supported by your hardware, use "-depthSize 1".

Speaking of defaults, -rgba and -doubleBuffer are set to true by default. If you also want a Z buffer, be sure to specify it with something like "-depthSize 1".

GLxwin widgets can accept three commands:

CS 426, CS Department, Princeton University
Last modified: Thu Sep 26 23:00:16 1996