 *  Name:    Reference Solution
 *  NetID:   ref
 *  Precept: P00
 *  Description:  Reads election data and prints the number of electoral votes
 *                won by each candidate, along with the minimum number of
 *                electoral votes needed to win the election.
 *  % java-introcs Election < 2012.txt
 *  Romney 206
 *  Obama 332
 *  270 needed to win
 *  % java-introcs Election < hogwarts.txt
 *  Snape 26
 *  McGonagall 17
 *  29 needed to win

public class Election {

    // returns the smallest integer strictly greater than 1/2 n
    // (assumes n is a non-negative integer)
    public static int majorityOf(int n) {
        return 1 + n/2;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int candidateVotes1 = 0;        // number of electoral votes
        int candidateVotes2 = 0;        // for each candidate
        int totalElectoralVotes = 0;    // total number of electoral votes

        // read the names of the two candidates
        String candidateName1 = StdIn.readString();
        String candidateName2 = StdIn.readString();

        // read the rest of the data file and compute statistics
        while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {

            // read data for one region
            String state = StdIn.readString();
            int electoralVotes = StdIn.readInt();
            int votes1 = StdIn.readInt();
            int votes2 = StdIn.readInt();

            // update statistics
            totalElectoralVotes += electoralVotes;
            if      (votes1 > votes2) candidateVotes1 += electoralVotes;
            else if (votes1 < votes2) candidateVotes2 += electoralVotes;
        // print results
        StdOut.println(candidateName1 + " " + candidateVotes1);
        StdOut.println(candidateName2 + " " + candidateVotes2);
        StdOut.println(majorityOf(totalElectoralVotes) + " needed to win");