COS Independent Work Seminar:
Understanding the World with Sensors

Fall 2015

General Information:

Instructor: Thomas Funkhouser (office hour: Fri 1:30-2:30PM in CS401)
Preceptor: Maciej Halber (office hour: Tues 3:00-4:00PM in Room CS 414)
Meeting time and place: Wednesdays 7:30-8:50PM, Room CS 402
Links: Description, Schedule, Resources, FAQ, Piazza


The theme of this seminar is to investigate algorithms and applications where computers utilize sensors to understand the world around them. Today's computers are equipped with numerous sensors, including cameras, microphones, and radio antennae, and new sensors are being developed at an amazing rate. For example, cameras that capture 3D depth (like Microsoft's Kinect) are just now becoming available for tablets and soon will be available for cell phones (e.g., Google's Tango and Intel's RealSense, Apple's acquisition of PrimeSense, Occipital's Structure Sensor, etc.). These sensors provide great opportunity for computers to gather information and behave intelligently in their environments. Classical applications include human-computer interfaces, tracking, localization, communication, etc. However, new applications are now possible too -- including smart rooms, mobile navigation, scene recognition, etc. Teams of 2-3 students in the seminar will choose a target application and then develop and test a prototype system in which one or more sensors is used to help a computer understand the world for that application.


Date Topic
Sept 16 Introduction
Sept 18 Information meeting for all IW students (Large Auditorium (COS 104), 12:30-1:30PM)
Sept 23 Develop project plans
Sept 30 Develop project plans
Oct 6 Written project proposals due
Oct 7 Proposal talks I
Oct 14 Proposal talks II
Oct 21 Discussion and feedback
Oct 28 Discussion and feedback
Nov 4 Fall break
Nov 10 Checkpoint form due
Nov 11 Discussion and feedback
Nov 18 Discussion and feedback
Nov 25 Thanksgiving
Dec 2 Cancelled -- individual meetings during office hours
Dec 9 Discussion and feedback
Dec 13 Oral Presentation slides due
Dec 16 Oral Presentations
Jan 5 Written final report due
Jan 11 Poster session for all IW students (Convocation Room (Friend Center), 10AM-12PM or 1-3PM)




Frequently Asked Questions: