COS-518 Advanced Computer Systems (Fall 2015)

Latest Announcements

9/14: Initial webpage posted

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COS-518 is a graduate course in computer systems. Its goals are:

This course assumes a basic familiarity with computer systems and networking concepts. The course will include informal lectures, reading/discussion of a textbook and papers, and a semester-long project. Students are expected to read papers before the class, write a summary and "review" of the paper prior to class, and participate in the discussion during the class.

As part of the graduate curriculum, successful completion of the course will satisfy the count towards fulfilling both the programming requirement and a breadth course requirement in the Computer Systems areas.

Course discussion and questions can be found on Piazza.


Course Staff

NameRole OfficeTelephoneHours
Kyle Jamieson Instructor COS 305 x8-7477 W 10-11 AM
Logan Stafman TA COS 317 850-510-8280 M 10-11 AM