Using directed graphs vs. undirected graphs. nbsp; Know when to use each. This should be fairly natural. For example, you'd use an undirected graph to represent friend connections between Facebook users, and a directed graph to represent following connections on Twitter.

BFS and DFS are directed graph algorithms.   Many canonical unweighted digraph problems (e.g. shortest paths and reachability) can be solved using code that is effectively identical to code for solving problems on unweighted graphs.

Importan digraph graph traversals.

Important digraph problems.

Recommended Problems

C level

  1. Spring 08 Final, #1a, #1b
  2. Fall 08 Final, #1a, #1b
  3. Fall 10 Final, #3a
  4. Spring 12 final, #3a, #3ab

B level

  1. Spring 08 Final, #1c, #1d
  2. Fall 08 Final, #1c
  3. Fall 10 Final, #3b
  4. Fall 10 Final, #2d, #2e
  5. Textbook: 4.2.10, 4.2.20

A level

  1. Fall 2008, #11
  2. 4.2.19, 4.2.22 (exam will not require you to know why Kosaraju-Sharir works)
  3. 4.2.27
  4. 4.2.40

Just for fun

  1. Write code similar to (or copy) the webcrawler shown in lecture.