 * Name:
 * Login:
 * Precept:
 * Description: Uses Charge.java to compute the electric potential at a point.
 * Remark: This is Book Exercise 3.1.1.

public class FourChargeClient {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // read in distance r from command line
      double r = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);

      // center of standard drawing window
      double cx = 0.5;
      double cy = 0.5;

      // construct four charges
      Charge c1 = new Charge(cx + r, cy,     1.0);  // east
      Charge c2 = _______________________________;  // south
      Charge c3 = _______________________________;  // west
      Charge c4 = _______________________________;  // north

      // compute all four potentials at (.25, .5)
      double px = 0.25;
      double py = 0.5;
      double v1 = c1.potentialAt(______________);
      double v2 = ______________________________;
      double v3 = ______________________________;
      double v4 = ______________________________;

      // compute and output total potential
      double sum =  ____________________________;                           
      System.out.println("total potential = " + sum);