Programming Assignment 7: Seam Carving

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I manipulate images in Java? Use our Picture data type (which is part of stdlib.jar) and the Color data type (which is part of the java.awt library). Here is some more information about the Color and Picture data types. and are example clients that use the Color and Picture data types, respectively.

I noticed that the Picture API has a method to change the origin (0, 0) from the upper left to the lower left. Can I assume (0, 0) is the upper left pixel? Yes.

The data type is mutable. Does this mean I don't have to make a defensive copy of the Picture? No, you should still make a defensive copy of the picture that is passed to the constructor because your data type should not have any side effects (unless they are specified in the API).

Why can't seams wrap around the image (i.e., why not treat the image as a torus when computing seams)? While it would be consistent with the way that we define the energy of a pixel, it often produces undesirable visual artificacts. (The API from Spring 2014 allowed seams to wrap around, which explains why in Josh Hug's video they do.)

Identifying the shortest energy path in a picture looks a lot like the COS 126 dynamic programming assignment about genetic sequencing. Can I use that approach? You are welcome to use a dynamic programming approach; however, in this case, it is equivalent to the topologial sort algorithm for finding shortest paths in DAGs.

My program is using recursion to find the shortest energy path. Is this ok? You should not need recursion. Note that the underlying DAG has such special structure that you don't need to compute its topological order explicitly.

My program seems to be really slow. Any advice? There are numerous opportunities for optimization.


Clients.  You may use the following client programs to test and debug your code.

Sample input files.   The directory seamCarving contains these client programs above along with some sample image files. You can also use your own image files for testing and entertainment.

Possible Progress Steps

These are purely suggestions for how you might make progress. You do not have to follow these steps.

  1. Start by writing the constructor as well as picture(), width(), and height(). These should be easy. Be sure to defensively copy the Picture before returning to the client. Why?

  2. Next, write energy(). Calculating Δx2 and Δy2 are very similar. A private method which can calculate either one will keep your code simple. To test that your code works, use the client PrintEnergy described in the testing section above.

  3. To write findVerticalSeam(), you will want to first make sure you understand the topologial sort algorithm for computing a shortest path in a DAG. It is recommended that you do not create an EdgeWeightedDigraph, as the resulting code will be not only slower, but also harder to write. Instead, construct a W-by-H energy matrix using the energy() method that you have already written. Think about which data structures (in addition to the 2D energy matrix) that you will need to implement the shortest path algorithm. To test, use the client PrintSeams described in the testing section above.

  4. Now implement removeVerticalSeam(). Typically, it will be called with the output of findVerticalSeam(), but be sure that it works for any valid seam. To test, use the client ResizeDemo described in the testing section above.

  5. To implement findHorizontalSeam() and removeHorizontalSeam(), transpose the picture and call findVerticalSeam() and removeVerticalSeam(). Don't forget to transpose the picture back, when needed.