COS 323 - Computing for the Physical and Social Sciences

Fall 2013

Course home Outline and lecture notes Assignments

Exam 1 Study Guide

Thursday, Oct. 24

The exam will be held in class on the 24. If you absolutely cannot make it, please discuss the situation with your academic advisor or dean, and contact Prof. Rusinkiewicz to arrange to take the make-up exam.

No books, notes, or electronic devices may be used during the exam.

Topics covered:


Number representation, accuracy, precision

For each of bisection, secant, false position, Newton-Raphson:

For each of Golden Section Search, Newton, Steepest Descent, Conjugate Gradient, Nelder-Mead Simplex, Simulated Annealing:

For each of Gaussian Elimination, LU, Cholesky, forward/backsubstitution, and tridiagonal solvers:

Describe partial and full pivoting, and why they are necessary

Sparse matrix representation (lecture 6)

Least squares

Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt:

Robust regression:


Last update 16-Oct-2013 16:06:28
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