&magicnumber=25& category1= Graphs& category2=Tries and Data Compression& category3=Strings& category4=The Right Tools for the Job& category5=Person, Place or Thing& question1=This is a graph search algorithm that explores all the vertices in increasing order of distance from the source vertex.& question2=List the strong component that contains vertex 3 in the following graph%3Cimg src%3D'digraph1.png'%3E& question3=This is an algorithm for computing the shortest path in an arbitrary digraph with weights that may be negative.& question4=Give the weight of the MST for the following graph%3Cimg src%3D'MST.png'%3E& question5=One of the steps of the COS226 algorithm for solving this string related problem involves using either breadth first search or depth first search.& question6=This encoding algorithm finds the shortest prefix-free code for a fixed set of symbols with known frequencies.& question7=The human-readable version of the Burrows-Wheeler transform of this string is 00 00 00 00 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a& question8=These data structure are used for LZW encoding and decoding, respectively.& question9=This is a listing (in alphabetical order) of the set of strings that were inserted in the TST below.%3Cimg src%3D'triesProblem.png'%3E& question10=The Burrows-Wheeler transform of this string is 00 00 00 00 74 6d 61 6c 6f 73.& question11=This automaton can be used to compactly simulate the set of strings which match a given regular expression.& question12=This is the substring search algorithm that searches starting from the right to left of the substring.& question13=Given an array of N suffixes as in Burrows-Wheeler, this is the order of growth of the runtime of the LSD algorithm for sorting these N suffixes.& question14=Given a string of length N, a pattern of length M, and an alphabet of size R, this is the order of growth of the average time needed to compute the 1st hash value for the Rabin-Karp algorithm.& question15=This is the missing trio of numbers buried under the perfectly rectangular area of pizza sauce that is covering part of the DFA. %3Cimg src%3D'pizzaSauce.png'%3E& question16=This is the fastest standard COS226 sorting algorithm when memory is very scarce.& question17=These were the two abstract data types showcased in 8puzzle and the SAP class of WordNet.& question18=These were the key COS226 algorithms used by Collinear, WordNet, and Baseball Elimination (be specific!).& question19=This COS226 data structure is the best choice for implementing a symbol table which uses 32-bit integer keys, given that the put/get operations for typical inputs should take constant time, and wish to use a linear amount of memory.& question20=This COS226 data structure is the best choice for implementing a symbol table which uses 32-bit integer keys, given that for the put/get operations must take worst-case logarithmic time and we wish to use a linear amount of memory.& question21=This lovable little rascal loves to cause trouble in fast food restaurants.& question22=This sorting algorithm (and former cop turned bounty hunter) was framed for a murder he didn't commit.& question23=The KdTree assignment was originally designed to allow for the simulation of the natural movement of these entities.& question24=According to synsets.txt and hypernyms.txt, all English nouns are ultimately an instance of this synset.& question25=This guy gave the red black tree its name.& answer1= What is BFS or Dijkstra?& answer2=What are 3 6 and 7?& answer3= What is the Bellman-Ford algorithm?& answer4=What is 47 (sum of '1 2 3 4 6 7 9 15')?& answer5=What is regular expression simulation (or regular expression matching or NFA simulation)& answer6=What is Huffman encoding?& answer7=What is ZZZZZ?& answer8=What are Tries (or TSTs) and arrays?& answer9=What is ear fo his hitch hold holdup hotel hum humble ill?& answer10=What is amlost?& answer11=What is an NFA?& answer12=What is Boyer-Moore?& answer13=What is N^2?& answer14=What is M?& answer15=What is 103?& answer16=What is heap sort?& answer17=What are priority queues and directed graphs?& answer18=What are mergesort (or system sort), breadth first search (or shortest ancestral paths), and Ford Fulkerson (or min-cut or max-flow)?& answer19=What is a hash table (linear probing or separate chaining)?& answer20=What is a red-black tree? (Or what is a 2-3 tree?)& answer21=Who is Swimp?& answer22=Who is Quicksort %3Cimg src%3D'renegade.png'%3E?& answer23=What are birds?& answer24=What is entity?& answer25=Who is Bob Sedgewick (or Leonidas Guibas)?& value1=10&value2=20&value3=30&value4=40&value5=50&value6=10&value7=20&value8=30&value9=40&value10=50&value11=10&value12=20&value13=30&value14=40&value15=50&value16=10&value17=20&value18=30&value19=40&value20=50&value21=10&value22=20&value23=30&value24=40&value25=50&finalquestion=This method's runtime had the worst case order of growth out of all methods on all Spring 2013 programming assignments.& finalanswer=What is Solver() [exponential run time]?& gamename=Algorithms Spring 13&postthis=&loadresult=Load Success!