### -------------------------------------------------------------------- ### sumarraylea.s ### Author: Bob Dondero ### The lea Instruction ### -------------------------------------------------------------------- .equ ARRAY_LENGTH, 100 ### -------------------------------------------------------------------- .section ".rodata" cPrompt: .asciz "How many integers? " cScanfFormat: .asciz "%d" cResult: .asciz "The sum is %d.\n" ### -------------------------------------------------------------------- .section ".data" ### -------------------------------------------------------------------- .section ".bss" iNumbers: .skip 4 * ARRAY_LENGTH iIndex: .skip 4 iCount: .skip 4 iSum: .skip 4 ### -------------------------------------------------------------------- .section ".text" ## ------------------------------------------------------------- ## Read up to ARRAY_LENGTH integers from stdin, and write to ## stdout the sum of those integers. Return 0. ## int main(void) ## ------------------------------------------------------------- .globl main .type main,@function main: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp ## iIndex = 0 movl $0, iIndex ## printf("How many integers? ") pushl $cPrompt call printf addl $4, %esp ## scanf("%d", &iCount) pushl $iCount pushl $cScanfFormat call scanf addl $8, %esp loop1: ## if (iIndex >= iCount) goto loopend1 movl iIndex, %eax cmpl iCount, %eax jge loopend1 ## scanf("%d", &aiNumbers[iIndex]) movl iIndex, %eax leal iNumbers(,%eax,4), %eax # the lea instruction pushl %eax pushl $cScanfFormat call scanf addl $8, %esp ## iIndex++ incl iIndex ## goto loop1 jmp loop1 loopend1: ## iSum = 0 movl $0, iSum ## iIndex = 0 movl $0, iIndex loop2: ## if (iIndex >= iCount) goto loopend2 movl iIndex, %eax cmpl iCount, %eax jge loopend2 ## iSum += aiNumbers[iIndex] movl iIndex, %eax movl iNumbers(,%eax,4), %eax addl %eax, iSum ## iIndex++ incl iIndex ## goto loop2 jmp loop2 loopend2: ## printf("The sum is %d.\n", iSum) pushl iSum pushl $cResult call printf addl $8, %esp ## return 0 movl $0, %eax movl %ebp, %esp popl %ebp ret