/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* dynarray.c */ /* Author: Bob Dondero */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "dynarray.h" #include #include /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The minimum physical length of the array that underlies a DynArray object. */ enum {MIN_PHYS_LENGTH = 2}; /* The factor by which the array should grow. */ enum {GROWTH_FACTOR = 2}; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A DynArray consists of an array, along with its logical and physical lengths. */ struct DynArray { /* The number of elements in the DynArray from the client's point of view. */ int iLength; /* The number of elements in the array that underlies the DynArray. */ int iPhysLength; /* The array that underlies the DynArray. */ const void **ppvArray; }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef NDEBUG /* Check the invariants of oDynArray. Return 1 (TRUE) iff oDynArray is in a valid state. */ static int DynArray_isValid(DynArray_T oDynArray) { if (oDynArray->iLength < 0) return 0; if (oDynArray->iPhysLength < MIN_PHYS_LENGTH) return 0; if (oDynArray->iLength > oDynArray->iPhysLength) return 0; if (oDynArray->ppvArray == NULL) return 0; return 1; } #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return a new DynArray_T object whose length is iLength, or NULL if insufficient memory is available. */ DynArray_T DynArray_new(int iLength) { DynArray_T oDynArray; assert(iLength >= 0); oDynArray = (struct DynArray*)malloc(sizeof(struct DynArray)); if (oDynArray == NULL) return NULL; oDynArray->iLength = iLength; if (iLength > MIN_PHYS_LENGTH) oDynArray->iPhysLength = iLength; else oDynArray->iPhysLength = MIN_PHYS_LENGTH; oDynArray->ppvArray = (const void**)calloc((size_t)oDynArray->iPhysLength, sizeof(void*)); if (oDynArray->ppvArray == NULL) { free(oDynArray); return NULL; } return oDynArray; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Free oDynArray. */ void DynArray_free(DynArray_T oDynArray) { assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); free(oDynArray->ppvArray); free(oDynArray); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the length of oDynArray. */ int DynArray_getLength(DynArray_T oDynArray) { assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); return oDynArray->iLength; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return the iIndex'th element of oDynArray. */ void *DynArray_get(DynArray_T oDynArray, int iIndex) { assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(iIndex >= 0); assert(iIndex < oDynArray->iLength); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); return (void*)(oDynArray->ppvArray)[iIndex]; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Assign pvElement to the iIndex'th element of oDynArray. Return the old element. */ void *DynArray_set(DynArray_T oDynArray, int iIndex, const void *pvElement) { const void *pvOldElement; assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(iIndex >= 0); assert(iIndex < oDynArray->iLength); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); pvOldElement = oDynArray->ppvArray[iIndex]; oDynArray->ppvArray[iIndex] = pvElement; assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); return (void*)pvOldElement; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Increase the physical length of oDynArray. Return 1 (TRUE) if successful and 0 (FALSE) if insufficient memory is available. */ static int DynArray_grow(DynArray_T oDynArray) { int iNewLength; const void **ppvNewArray; assert(oDynArray != NULL); iNewLength = oDynArray->iPhysLength * GROWTH_FACTOR; ppvNewArray = (const void**) realloc(oDynArray->ppvArray, sizeof(void*) * iNewLength); if (ppvNewArray == NULL) return 0; oDynArray->iPhysLength = iNewLength; oDynArray->ppvArray = ppvNewArray; return 1; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add pvElement to the end of oDynArray, thus incrementing its length. Return 1 (TRUE) if successful, or 0 (FALSE) if insufficient memory is available. */ int DynArray_add(DynArray_T oDynArray, const void *pvElement) { assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); if (oDynArray->iLength == oDynArray->iPhysLength) if (! DynArray_grow(oDynArray)) return 0; oDynArray->ppvArray[oDynArray->iLength] = pvElement; oDynArray->iLength++; assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); return 1; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add pvElement to oDynArray such that it is the iIndex'th element. Return 1 (TRUE) if successful, or 0 (FALSE) if insufficient memory is available. */ int DynArray_addAt(DynArray_T oDynArray, int iIndex, const void *pvElement) { int i; assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(iIndex >= 0); assert(iIndex <= oDynArray->iLength); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); if (oDynArray->iLength == oDynArray->iPhysLength) if (! DynArray_grow(oDynArray)) return 0; for (i = oDynArray->iLength; i > iIndex; i--) oDynArray->ppvArray[i] = oDynArray->ppvArray[i-1]; oDynArray->ppvArray[iIndex] = pvElement; oDynArray->iLength++; assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); return 1; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Remove and return the iIndex'th element of oDynArray. */ void *DynArray_removeAt(DynArray_T oDynArray, int iIndex) { const void *pvOldElement; int i; assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(iIndex >= 0); assert(iIndex < oDynArray->iLength); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); pvOldElement = oDynArray->ppvArray[iIndex]; oDynArray->iLength--; for (i = iIndex; i < oDynArray->iLength; i++) oDynArray->ppvArray[i] = oDynArray->ppvArray[i+1]; assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); return (void*)pvOldElement; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Fill ppvArray with the elements of oDynArray. ppvArray should point to an area of memory that is large enough to hold all elements of oDynArray. */ void DynArray_toArray(DynArray_T oDynArray, void **ppvArray) { int i; assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(ppvArray != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); for (i = 0; i < oDynArray->iLength; i++) ppvArray[i] = (void*)oDynArray->ppvArray[i]; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Apply function *pfApply to each element of oDynArray, passing pvExtra as an extra argument. That is, for each element pvElement of oDynArray, call (*pfApply)(pvElement, pvExtra). */ void DynArray_map(DynArray_T oDynArray, void (*pfApply)(void *pvElement, void *pvExtra), const void *pvExtra) { int i; assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(pfApply != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); for (i = 0; i < oDynArray->iLength; i++) (*pfApply)((void*)oDynArray->ppvArray[i], (void*)pvExtra); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Swap ppvArray[iOne] and ppvArray[iTwo]. */ static void DynArray_swap(const void *ppvArray[], int iOne, int iTwo) { const void *pvTemp; assert(ppvArray != NULL); pvTemp = ppvArray[iOne]; ppvArray[iOne] = ppvArray[iTwo]; ppvArray[iTwo] = pvTemp; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Divide ppvArray[iLeft...iRight] into two partitions so elements in the first partition are <= elements in the second partition. Return the index of the element that marks the partition boundary. The sort order is determined by *pfCompare. */ static int DynArray_partition(const void *ppvArray[], int iLeft, int iRight, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)) { /* This function is a variation of the partition() function from the book "Algorithms in C" by Robert Sedgewick. */ int iFirst = iLeft-1; int iLast = iRight; assert(ppvArray != NULL); assert(pfCompare != NULL); while (1) { while ((*pfCompare)(ppvArray[++iFirst], ppvArray[iRight]) < 0) ; while ((*pfCompare)(ppvArray[iRight], ppvArray[--iLast]) < 0) if (iLast == iLeft) break; if (iFirst >= iLast) break; DynArray_swap(ppvArray, iFirst, iLast); } DynArray_swap(ppvArray, iFirst, iRight); return iFirst; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sort ppvArray[iLeft...iRight] in ascending order, as determined by *pfCompare. */ static void DynArray_quicksort(const void *ppvArray[], int iLeft, int iRight, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)) { /* This function is a variation of the quicksort() function from the book "Algorithms in C" by Robert Sedgewick. */ int iMid; assert(ppvArray != NULL); assert(pfCompare != NULL); if (iRight > iLeft) { iMid = DynArray_partition(ppvArray, iLeft, iRight, pfCompare); DynArray_quicksort(ppvArray, iLeft, iMid - 1, pfCompare); DynArray_quicksort(ppvArray, iMid + 1, iRight, pfCompare); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sort oDynArray in the order determined by *pfCompare. *pfCompare should return <0, 0, or >0 depending upon whether *pvElement1 is less than, equal to, or greater than *pvElement2, respectively. */ void DynArray_sort(DynArray_T oDynArray, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)) { assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(pfCompare != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); DynArray_quicksort(oDynArray->ppvArray, 0, oDynArray->iLength-1, pfCompare); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Linear search oDynArray for *pvSoughtElement using *pfCompare to determine equality. Return the index at which *pvSoughtElement is found, or -1 if there is no such index. *pfCompare should return 0 if *pvElement1 is equal to pvElement2, and non-0 otherwise. */ int DynArray_search(DynArray_T oDynArray, void *pvSoughtElement, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)) { int i; assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(pfCompare != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); for (i = 0; i < oDynArray->iLength; i++) if ((*pfCompare)(oDynArray->ppvArray[i], pvSoughtElement) == 0) return i; return -1; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Binary search oDynArray for *pvSoughtElement using *pfCompare to determine equality. Return the index at which *pvSoughtElement is found, or -1 if there is no such index. *pfCompare should return <0, 0, or >0 depending upon whether *pvElement1 is less than, equal to, or greater than *pvElement2, respectively. oDynArray should be sorted as determined by *pfCompare. */ int DynArray_bsearch(DynArray_T oDynArray, void *pvSoughtElement, int (*pfCompare)(const void *pvElement1, const void *pvElement2)) { int iLeft; int iRight; int iMid; int iCompare; assert(oDynArray != NULL); assert(pfCompare != NULL); assert(DynArray_isValid(oDynArray)); iLeft = 0; iRight = oDynArray->iLength - 1; while (iLeft <= iRight) { iMid = (iLeft + iRight) / 2; iCompare = (*pfCompare)(pvSoughtElement, oDynArray->ppvArray[iMid]); if (iCompare == 0) return iMid; if (iCompare < 0) iRight = iMid - 1; else iLeft = iMid + 1; } return -1; }