Pattern Recognition for HCI

by Richard O. Duda
Department of Electrical Engineering
San Jose State University

© 1996-2007 Richard O. Duda; all rights reserved*

These notes provide background on pattern recognition for the new NSF-sponsored course entitled Human Computer Interface Design.

The keyboard and mouse are the most common computer input devices, and they present the fewest problems in pattern recognition. When you press a key on a keyboard or click a button on the mouse, the computer receives an unambiguous character code; when you position the mouse, the computer receives a pair of unambiguous coordinates.

But what about other input devices -- cameras, microphones, and various other sensors? An A/D converter can put the analog images or sounds or waveforms into digital form, but how can the computer understand what these signals mean? For gesture or speech or handwriting input, these digitized signals have to be processed so that the computer can recognize the intended meaning.

These notes describe one way that this can be done. We cover the following topics:

Note: We take a statistical approach to pattern recognition. Standard texts on this topic include Devijver and Kitler, Duda and Hart, and Fukunaga. For a good introductory book, see Hand. For other approaches to pattern recognition, see Pao and Schalkoff.

Last revised:10/6/97

Up to EE296I
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